Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We squat on the ground , eating our lunch as we go , and work as fast as we can for eleven hours every day .
2 Peggy has been a member of the union for twenty three years been a shop steward for eleven years the last nine at K P Foods and also branch quality officer , been a branch committee member and a member of the Midland and East Coast regional council member of the regional Labour women 's conference and she 's been to G M B congress , congress on a number of occasions .
3 Yes , this is another big problem I think you put that very well , that people forget , of course , that in clinical psychoan analysis the analyst has a vast amount of data , because the patient is going five times a week , or in Freud 's case , six times a week , for fifty minutes every day , six days a week , nine months of the year , often for several years and er , the , the sheer amount of data that the analyst gets , is absolutely immense .
4 From then on it became big game and for fifty years the only ones to leave China were dead .
5 For fifty years the precise form of the subsidies varied : that of 1513 combined a tax on rank for the nobles with an income or property tax for commoners ; that of 1514 taxed wages as well as landed incomes and property ; in 1540 only those with landed incomes or property above £20 had to pay .
6 At different periods for political reasons a local deity might be raised to become a state god , a position which could be temporary or permanent .
7 For political reasons the ecu must be developed ’ , and the Financial Times wrote of ‘ Bonn 's disparagement of the European Currency Unit as the putative single currency ’ .
8 As the accompanying article by a Yugoslav investigative journalist suggests , however , it may well be that for political reasons the Yugoslavs have been fighting the case with at least one hand tied behind their back .
9 Even the Irish edition of the Daily Star said something positive about Sellafield recently when it reported that radon gas was to blame for 500 deaths every year .
10 Question : Which piece of equipment works for you for 365 days a year , 24 hours a day , saves you money , protects your reputation , helps you comply with the law , and is expected to function without complaint for up to 10 years ?
11 Today it means in terms of a hierarchy of pedagogical responsibilities that the individual and the individual family have a primary role , which they carry out through contracting and engaging for specific purposes the services of ‘ free ’ organizations according to their private ideological orientation , and only as a last resort does the state intervene directly .
12 For solid elements the enthalpy of atomisation is equal to the enthalpy of sublimation of the solid .
13 For 120 years the Bulls Head has been kept by the same family … this is landlord David Gane outside the pub around 1920 .
14 For HCI guests the daytime fun and games are centred around Drago with its lively family atmosphere .
15 Moreover , for geographic reasons the strategic benefits of Cam Ranh Bay in peacetime are likely to turn into a liability during war .
16 The above results confirm for right handers the asymmetrical involvement of left and right hemispheres in matters of speech production and perception .
17 Carrow claims that for normal children the test scores increase with age and that it differentiates individuals with known disorders , including deaf children and those with articulation difficulties , from ordinary , non-handicapped children .
18 This meant that , as a county , it was significantly smaller than it later became , and that ( in particular ) it did not include for local-government purposes the city of Oxford .
19 For descriptive purposes the CCPR is given as the slope ( SEM ) of each regression line ; the R-sq% is also given , which represents the extent to which each data set is described by a straight line .
20 I now leave the lights on for eight hours a day .
21 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
22 From the sowing date onwards the plants remain in a controlled environment , with temperature 20°C , humidity constant and warm-white lighting at an intensity of about 40 Wm -2 for eight hours a day , darkness sixteen hours a day .
23 These developments could open up new vistas of flexible working for large numbers of employees , who no longer need to be herded together in downtown locations for eight hours a day .
24 It should be stressed that in the first period , when the plaintiff was at Addenbrookes hospital , that is from June nineteen eighty seven to May nineteen eighty eight , at least one parent was in attendance for eight hours a day .
25 As BR and union leaders tried to resolve the problem of finding new jobs for the teams , the men turned up for work each day at Liverpool 's Central Station and simply sat in their vans for eight hours a day .
26 Will we see women working on check out tills being sacked because they can not keep a smile screwed on to their faces for eight hours every day ?
27 ‘ I am away for eight months a year and we hardly see each other .
28 After waiting for eight weeks the guitar finally arrived .
29 The price er wi , we depart on the eleventh of September for eight days the usual additions , you know , the coach from here , and everything .
30 She has not been able to get any type of work since , despite applying for eight jobs a week .
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