Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun sg] have " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly , candidates for political leadership have seen the balance of advantage swing away from those who control organizational resources towards those with ‘ media recognition ’ — a public profile calculated to secure them appropriate media coverage with the new mass selectorate that chooses presidential candidates or party leaders .
2 Since Weber analysed the organizational requirements of the capitalist state , this influence has increased as those characteristics of bureaucracy which he recognized as being a basis for political power have become more pronounced .
3 I know this man-woman thing is n't supposed to be easy , but I just wonder how two people who care so much for each other have managed to spend so much time beating each other up , ’ Vitor said wryly .
4 Full specifications for each award have already been sent to centres .
5 Empirical studies of the Alvey and ESPRIT programmes for advanced IT have shown that a far wider range of motivations and structures for collaborations exist .
6 Increased opportunities for European travel have produced a subtle re-ordering of England 's traditional terrace hierarchies .
7 So as to underline that all measures are intended to benefit the young person , provisions for involuntary care have been removed and the views of the young person have to be taken into account in deciding on a form of assistance , although no steps can be taken against the wishes of the parent or guardian ( except in an emergency , s. 43 ) .
8 Up to the present all patients treated with cyclosporin for ulcerative colitis have had severe , refractory disease and there are no published controlled trials .
9 Kaysen has pointed out that : ‘ [ d ] ecisions as to the technical areas which will be systematically explored by research and development divisions and decisions as to what scientific and technical novelties will be translated into new products and processes and tried out for economic viability have very deep effects .
10 To take just two examples : in Nuremberg junctions have been remodelled to accommodate cafés and pedestrian-friendly squares ( Figure 6.49 ) , whilst in Freiburg narrow , calmed streets with insufficient space for extensive tree-planting have been greened by the simple expedient of growing climbing plants to mask the canyon-like street walls ( Figure 6.50 ) .
11 The post office has a monopoly only on the delivery of letters and parcels weighing less than a kilogram — a decling trade and one that now represents only 40 per cent of total earnings although attempts to stop the drift by creating , for example , specialised services for direct marketing have been very successful .
12 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
13 In most countries people compelled by poverty to ask for social assistance have to show that their families , wherever they may be living , can not support them .
14 Already a highly developed multipurpose recreation area , plans for further development have generated concerns about wildlife protection , especially in relation to a herd of bighorn sheep whose range includes Mount Allan that houses one of the main Olympic pistes .
15 Discretionary grants for further education have suffered in the climate of recent economic cuts and local government spending allowances can affect the number and level of grants awarded .
16 Nearly 1100 requests for further information have been received as a direct result of this initiative .
17 Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented , including that made by John Major ( as chancellor of the exchequer ) at last September 's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers .
18 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
19 Nevertheless , with BTG required by ministers to look to short-term profitability , sources of ready funds for British biotechnology have all but dried up .
20 In each chapter so far the passages chosen for detailed comment have been consecutive .
21 A new descriptive leaflet and one for specialised work have recently been printed plus a postcard on which class details can be displayed in shop windows etc .
22 A new descriptive leaflet and one for specialised work have recently been printed plus a postcard on which class details can be displayed in shop windows etc .
23 Those family systems that possess high potential for cultural development have as one of their necessary components a certain authoritarianism within the parent-child relationship which — on the ideological plane-rules out their close adherence to liberal values .
24 Opinion polls for some time have shown a growing mood of disenchantment in Germany with developments within the EEC .
25 The reasons for this diversity have been subject to much debate ( section 2.4.2 ) and while it is not yet resolved , the fact remains that such forests house a huge genetic resource that has only been fractionally realised to yield what have ultimately become significant commercial products such as rubber .
26 ‘ The reasons for this decision have not become apparent at this trial ’ ( they had but he had chosen to ignore them ) and he then attacked the Secretary of State for what he called ‘ usurping the functions of the judiciary ’ , apparently ignorant that recommendations for free pardons have always been vested in the executive .
27 All MPs with private members ' bills scheduled for this session have already got their bills under way following normal procedures .
28 In schools , the most notable growth has been in the use of 81200 Work Experience 1 — enrolments for this module have increased by over 200% ; other substantial increases were for the Communications and Mathematics modules .
29 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
30 The major impetus for this work have been the national surveys carried out by the Home Office , the British Crime Surveys of 1982 , 1984 and 1988 .
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