Example sentences of "for [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the event the union leaders were wholly justified , as the result of the ballot showed , in their claim that there were no reasons for doubting that the industrial action was in accordance with the wishes of the workers .
2 There are two principal strategies for proving that a collocationally unique item is a semantic constituent .
3 Where applications are made on notice : ( a ) notice is to be served on the opposite party and filed in the court not less than two days before the hearing , unless the court gives leave for short notice ; and ( b ) the party making the application is responsible for ascertaining that the court will be available to hear the application and that sufficient time will be available .
4 Fourth , structure ( 47 ) for the clausal adjective follows just the same general intensional pattern as will be needed for sentences which contain not an adjective but a ( non-finite ) verb phrase : ( 61 ) Leonard proved this theorem to rival the Nomination theorem in its scope Atkins will guarantee her picture to have fetched $100,000 at its last sale 4.7 It seems permissible to agree , in this case , that we do have good grounds for accepting that the adjectives are understood as part of a structure felt to be a clause , of which the preceding noun phrase would be the subject .
5 So there 's theoretical grounds for suggesting that a variable er variable interval erm , did I say a variable interval or variable ratio ?
6 Moreover , there was a case for suggesting that the change of ministry in August required the endorsement of the electorate .
7 Elizabeth Young and Simone Tramontana for suggesting that the two bystanders were the same height before one of them shot the fall and all the people who spotted breakouts on the way down .
8 As John Scoble , with his intolerantly rigid evangelical attitudes , rose to become a prominent administrator and organiser of antislavery bodies , he became a target as a sectarian who had apparently denounced one liberal-minded Quaker reformer as ‘ degenerate ’ for suggesting that the heathen might be treated with mercy .
9 Stenhouse ) holds the key to successful curriculum development , the argument for suggesting that the ‘ periphery ’ ( the schools and teachers ) , rather than the ‘ centre ’ ( government bodies or centralised curriculum development agencies ) , is the prime focus of change is very persuasive .
10 As an author , he exploded at Mr Pascall for suggesting that the lists would make sure that children read ‘ suitable ’ books : ‘ What is suitable ?
11 There are grounds for suggesting that the market test can produce perverse incentives , as we have seen in Chapter 3 .
12 While the church dominated governing body of King 's College , London , did not object to Lyell 's geology , it sacked the theologian F. D. Maurice for suggesting that the indescribable torture of the damned might not go on for ever .
13 Designate yourself or a senior manager in your organisation to be responsible for seeing that the policy is applied reasonably and fairly .
14 The governors are responsible for seeing that the demands of the law are met and that the school teaches the National Curriculum , and in county schools .
15 Whilst it may be too much to ask that you immediately take on any responsibility for seeing that the 120,000 weekly NME s are properly recycled ( By heck , we are talking SERIOUS wank — ER ! — SW ) , you could perhaps act responsibly by doing your bit to ease unemployment by taking on someone with the job of disposing of your own rubbish soundly .
16 Who , therefore , is responsible for seeing that the areas available are planned in such a way that this end may be achieved ?
17 It 's an , a small number of , of viruses which constantly shift , and the WHO organisation which monitors flu viruses around the world , is responsible for seeing that the vaccine is made from strains that are in circulation currently , and , and we 've been getting it right for the last ten years , so I , I think there 'll be no problem this year .
18 ‘ The refinancing will place the necessary cash at the disposal of Norsk Data A/S , enabling it to carry out a private resolution in which its unsecured creditors are offered a cash dividend of 25% , but the banks ‘ required as a condition for financing that the present share capital shall be written down to zero , and that a share issue shall be carried out by partly converting the banks ’ debt into equity . ’
19 The usual technique for checking that the microphone is set to the correct level after the audience arrives is to call , ‘ Can you all hear me ? ’
20 The most we can get is convincing parallelisms between the two and the fact that some parallelisms are much more difficult than others and have hitherto not been attempted is no reason for denying that a choreographic genius like Massine has the right to attempt this .
21 One American general who was fired for revealing that the US would bomb ‘ downtown Baghdad ’ is now working for CBS .
22 Roby was worried that through linking the four Iranians to the British hostages , the Iranian government was preparing the ground for announcing that the Britons , too , were dead .
23 There is not so much as even a prima facie case for imagining that the ad hoc domestic forces available for the Latin music and the English devotional settings bore any close resemblance to the stereotyped and institutionalized vocal dispositions ( SAATB , succeeding SATB and SATTB ) supplied by the contemporary church choir ; these several bodies of music need to be addressed separately .
24 With rare exceptions the classical economists took it for granted that a reduction in the money-wage rate would be translated into the all important reduction in the real-wage rate which was required by marginal productivity theory .
25 It is an elementary mistake to take it for granted that an act which has one symbolic meaning for us today possessed that same meaning eight hundred years ago .
26 It is taken for granted that an institution will be sub-divided into faculties , schools , departments , units and centres ; but the epistemological implications of such subdivisions are rarely examined explicitly .
27 The practice of ‘ practical criticism ’ in fact unconsciously takes it for granted that the readers already know enough about poetry to have a grasp of rules and conventions sufficient to make adequate sense of the passage .
28 They took it for granted that the international world was one of competing powers and that their duty was to make the most of whatever assets were available to them .
29 Almost all philosophically minded people of Clement 's age , except for only a tiny handful of Epicureans , took it for granted that the order of the world reflects a designing providential hand .
30 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
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