Example sentences of "for [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 There was a violent row in the Bundestag , for instance , when the SPD leader , Kurt Schuhmacher , attacked Adenauer for cosying up to the enemy by calling him ‘ the Allies ' Chancellor ’ in 1949 .
2 There are flashing units for flashing up to abutments or , if desired , these can be reversed to run into gutters .
3 We will pay you 2,000 for seeing through to completion the data files from the submitted ASCII files for the first four titles of Reading for English , 50% of this on signature of this letter and 50% on delivery .
4 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
5 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
6 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
7 Serves him right for sucking up to them — being the Thinking Person 's Tory , and all that , eh ?
8 A tool called a shack-fork — a fork with curved tines and an iron bow at the shoulder was used to gather the swathes of barley into gavels ready for pitching on to the wagons .
9 Geologists are notorious for latching on to the name of a particular life-form present in rock formations when thinking up names and equally notorious for changing their minds and the rock 's name afterwards , hence Belemnita quadrata no longer exists because they have renamed it Gonio teuthis quadrata .
10 Californians have a reputation for latching on to fads , and it 's true — yet a lot of what they preach is eminently sensible .
11 For high earners , the £75,000 cap is probably the strongest argument for hanging on to an existing Section 226 policy , since such policies are not affected by the earnings limit .
12 There are halls for banqueting up to 3,000 , for small exhibitions , industrial theatre and simultaneous translation .
13 What is our mechanism for keeping up to date ?
14 Unmould for serving on to a heated plate large enough to accommodate the pudding and the sauce that will seep from it .
15 Society imposes an obligation to look after his parents , as a debt owed to them for his upbringing , and owed to society for passing on to his children the obligation to do the same for him .
16 This undermines the authority of parents , the ones most responsible for passing on to their offspring a sense of right and wrong .
17 I feel a resistance to trying to send money to the USA for passing on to Guatemala , and would prefer to send you something to pass on to Bruce , if you agree .
18 Quintus Fabius Maximus , who punished the Tarentines for going over to Hannibal during the Second Punic War , found the colossal bronze Zeus , the work of the famous sculptor Lysippus , too difficult to transport to Rome .
19 Piers sent his love and was all for going up to London that minute to see the painting .
20 There 's been no shortage of excuses in the past few weeks for getting thoroughly ratted , for going down to The Lamb , finding a spot in the corner and spending the entire evening doing nothing more intellectually taxing than sinking five pints of Special .
21 You see , when the trains arrive from at Waverley , and heard that er one superintendent and Gerald was his name , he was a great boy for going down to Waverley to meet trains coming from .
22 Gilly finds an excuse for going back to Mr Randolph 's house and she manages to steal the rest of his money , but there is still not enough to pay for her ticket to San Francisco .
23 He first demonstrated his taste for going back to first principles as a student at Brown University in the late 1960s .
24 Cos she had n't washed her feet for going back to bed .
25 But erm apologies for going back to the to the discussion er yesterday but it it 's merely just to remind you , picking up the point that Mr Potter 's just made , that that certainly as far as Selby District 's concerned that circumstances have changed very drastically since the situation of ten years ago when the er the structure plan policies were were first drawn up .
26 Plus it has an effects loop , and a preamp out for slaving up to other power amps , and so on .
27 ‘ Perhaps , then , that is your reason for hurrying back to Milano . ’
28 The Bible 's word for turning back to God is ‘ repentance ’ .
29 The reason I joined the G M B and I 'm sure most of you was , in good times the G M B looks for improvements in pay and conditions , in bad times we look for holding on to what we have got .
30 Last week 's starter with Heinz Wolff ( ITV , 13 March ) was all the more impressive for getting off to such a terrible start with the tortuous answer that interviewer Ian Fells elicited to his opener about the meaning of biomedical engineering .
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