Example sentences of "for [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She made it easier for Sarah to see him .
2 He had known this district all his life , had come back to it as a young police detective for his first major case , and its vitality and capacity for change amazed him .
3 • What your intense desire for Jim tells me is that you are a highly sexual person : one who has managed to heal herself after a difficult marriage and who 's now ready for a physical relationship .
4 to meet with Jim so that we can a a the objective of which will be for Jim to tell us what the content of his course is , so we can assess where whether there are gaps in our training .
5 Reading the news for ITN means I sometimes work peculiar hours but I often have a weekday morning off , and that 's when I play golf .
6 Her choice made , she went back for vegetables to accompany it , recklessly adding a demi-kilo of the huge firm-fleshed tomatoes , as well as nectarines , oranges and a punnet of strawberries to her collection .
7 You do n't have to be regular cyclist to enjoy a cycling holiday in Holland as the safe , segregated cycle lanes have special traffic lights and signposts for cyclists making it a relaxing and enjoyable pastime for people of all ages ; families , couples , or groups of friends .
8 It would be hard now for Ferguson to leave him out .
9 Could he use his influence with the Secretary of State for Defence to persuade him to hand over the Ministry of Defence buildings so that the money that the Scottish Office has allocated is not used to pay for them ?
10 You needed government for defence to protect you against external enemies and to engage in foreign relations and diplomacy , and you needed government internally to regulate conflicts between states er and to ensure a , a sound economic platform so that you needed er a single authoritative source of currency for example er and a single source of er er tariffs and trade controls .
11 Only watching the sea for hours calmed her .
12 West Indians began to troop off , only for Gower to wave them back since Terry , arm in sling beneath sweater , was returning .
13 At equilibrium , these are equal , and we merely have to solve the equation for p to discover it .
14 But for Hurricane Andrew' we would have reported a profit of almost $22m in the third quarter and a return to profitability in for the nine months .
15 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
16 There was none of the carelessness with which he usually waited for Twomey to bring him his glass .
17 Working for ICI enabled him to join their club at Norton Hall where a single croquet lawn has been in existence and played on at least since the end of the 1939–45 War .
18 Well not only have you got a bit missing , you had n't had anything to eat for ages did you ?
19 Yes , but he has n't been for ages has he ?
20 He has n't had a job for ages has he ?
21 Have n't been so relaxed for ages have we .
22 We have n't had it for ages have we ?
23 We have n't had chips for ages have we ?
24 We have n't had the computer on for ages have we ?
25 we have n't had any salmon for ages have we ?
26 I have n't written to you for ages have I ?
27 seen you for ages have I ?
28 ‘ I 'd been expecting for ages to hear you two were getting engaged .
29 Eventually it was he who told her mother when she was about eight months pregnant : " We 'd been planning it for ages to tell them but we had n't had the nerve to get round to it .
30 for Roger to release him .
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