Example sentences of "for [indef pn] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Scotland the Brave ’ shouted one of the Germans , loud enough for everyone to turn to look .
2 For many years the Trust 's wardens and countryside staff have been concerned to provide access for everyone wanting to explore the Trust 's countryside and coast .
3 This will create a certain amount of ambiguity for everyone attempting to exert control .
4 Striped shirt tapped a gold pencil thoughtfully against his teeth and said that of course one had every respect for someone wishing to take such a stand and that in that case we must see what could be done with the portfolio as it was .
5 For someone determined to make money from an early age , it represents quite a failure .
6 So any advice , Mr. Henry , for someone planning to enter the Grolsch competition ?
7 This always offers an opportunity for someone to attempt to see these serious conflagrations in a wider context , and this has been taken by Dr Grace Simpson as evidence of an uprising of the tribes of Wales ( Simpson , 1964 ) , although the archaeological support from other sites is very tenuous .
8 The only money they put in to the chief executives and their two yearly pay re review performances that they get , for cutting other people 's wages or contracting Health Services and for somebody to have to travel that distance for a , to die , is absolutely appalling and it 's a disgrace .
9 I used to sit in my living room with my mouth open , eyes raised to heaven waiting for something to happen to give me this new boldness and this ability to speak in tongues which seemed often to accompany the events in Acts .
10 Solely for something to say to cover her embarrassment , she said , ‘ When did you get back ; I mean , from Spain ? ’
11 As he did so , he frantically searched his mind for something reassuring to say to the maniac in the back .
12 So er if you 're stuck for one to go to give them a call four double one two double two
13 The road was too rough for one thought to rest long in mind before it was cannoned out by another .
14 Clearly the phrase can mean anything one likes : it would be difficult for anybody to refuse to sign up to such a worthy aim as international understanding .
15 This , however , introduces a further obstacle for anyone trying to discriminate between associative and ascriptive interpretation ; for it is , of course , possible to regard the very fact of a connexion ( associative ) corresponding to any of these factual relations as being in itself a property — a property that can then be used ascriptively .
16 Staff at the top stores have been told to look out for anyone trying to use the royal cards .
17 The loose scree is very difficult ground for anyone trying to climb back to the path .
18 The absence of an evaluative element is a limitation for anyone trying to select between different items , but it is helpful to have access to comprehensive lists of titles which can be searched by a variety of subject approaches , especially since these include recent titles which are unlikely to appear in published bibliographies .
19 Mason 's work is bound to become the ultimate cribsheet for anyone trying to get one of those coveted places .
20 ‘ Can we ask all preservationists to keep their eyes out for anyone trying to pass on these parts and a reward will be offered to anyone supplying information .
21 It is important for anyone trying to interpret the rules to read the notes as in many cases these extend the apparent application of particular rules .
22 It is not the proper procedure for anyone trying to make sense of other areas of social life .
23 WHILST Minton lived at Hamilton Terrace it remained an open house for anyone wishing to call .
24 Still popular , and made in new materials with plastic or nylon sail , the Peter Powell kite has introduced millions to the sight of its long tube tails following the looping flight pattern , and still , after over 15 years of its production when all else around has seen so much change , is a firm recommendation for anyone wishing to take up stunt flying for the first time .
25 The authorities — in this case the military authorities — were extremely reluctant to allow members of the armed forces to contract such marriages , and made it as difficult as possible for anyone wishing to do so .
26 Over the next two weeks , it will be mailing details about the initiative through to its customers , including the new 0800 number that has been set up for anyone wishing to give or receive information about piracy .
27 The regional training manager at Leamington , Keith Sanderson , made no apologies for a ‘ somewhat lengthy application procedure for anyone wishing to become a guide dog mobility instructor .
28 So they 'd seem to be ideal for anyone wishing to avoid police cameras .
29 For anyone wishing to walk off the excesses of the festive season , the National Trust and the Ramblers ' Association are once again organising a Week of Christmas Walks .
30 PC-CAI is an award winning Computer Assisted Instructional tool that is ideal for anyone wishing to develop a computer driven tutorial on any subject using colour , graphics , animation , questions and answers .
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