Example sentences of "for [num] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The jury sat for 184 days in total , spread through a year and four days , the second longest criminal trial in English legal history .
2 Having said which er I I 've already pointed out that I I see no great potential for fifty hectares in in our area .
3 It is a remarkable tribute to their builders that they have survived for fifty years in regular service , albeit in rebuilt form .
4 The Masai were elusive , even when constantly told they had nothing to fear , and consequently the British administration found itself engaged for fifty years in a ceaseless struggle to impose on them some measure of control .
5 In Paul Guillaume 's gallery a book on African sculpture was selling for fifty francs in 1917 ; it was a book Modigliani would have prized , but at the cost of three days ' subsistence plus one meal , it was out of the question .
6 He was on the other side of the road , saw me watching him , stopped , turned and walked slowly for fifty yards in the direction he had come .
7 The original memorandum of understanding worked out after the Gulf war [ see p. 38598 ] had provided for 500 guards in the north and 600 relief workers .
8 However , 100% supervision , even of early solo flying , is impractical for 365 days in the year as there are bound to be moments when the instructor 's attention is diverted .
9 Mrs Brown lived in Morrell House , Burton Stone Lane , York , but before that lived for 70 years in New Earswick .
10 Though production is steadily increasing , Britain 's IT firms provided work for 186000 people in 1980 , 20000 fewer than 10 years previously .
11 Total vitamin C concentrations were determined by a modification of our original technique after reduction of dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbic acid at 45°C for 120 minutes in the presence of excess dithiothreitol .
12 In December West Germany offered to contribute DM1,000 million towards the cost of 17 environmental projects ( six of which had already been agreed in July 1989 ) and to find jobs for 65,000 workers in seriously polluting factories which had to be shut down .
13 North Yemen 's first general election took place on July 5 , 1988 , for 128 seats in a new 159-member Majlis al Shura ( Consultative Council ) which replaced the non-elected Constituent People 's Assembly .
14 Final results for 498 seats in the Chamber of Deputies were as follows : PMDB 109 ( pre-election 130 ) ; PFL 92 ( 90 ) ; PDT 41 ( 31 ) ; PRN 41 ( 31 ) ; PDS 40 ( 32 ) ; Social Democratic Party of Brazil ( PSDB ) 37 ( 60 ) ; PT 34 ( 17 ) ; PTB 33 ( 28 ) ; Partido Democrata Cristao ( PDC ) 21 ( 15 ) ; Liberal Party ( PL ) 15 ( 13 ) ; Brazilian Socialist Party ( PSB ) 12 ( 8 ) ; Communist Party of Brazil ( PC do B ) five ( six ) ; Social Reform Party ( PRS ) 4 ( 7 ) ; Brazilian Communist Party ( PCB ) 3 ( 3 ) ; others 11 ( identified by acronyms as PSC 5 , PTR 2 , PST 2 , PMN 1 , PDS 1 ) .
15 Later they hosted a reception for 75 guests in idyllic surroundings .
16 But clearly someone out there misses it because promoters are bringing over The Incredible Hulk Hogan , The Ultimate Warrior and a gentleman called Randy Savage , for eight dates in April and May , and they 're all sold out .
17 Indeed , the average flow , as a percentage of GDP , for eight countries in the sample before 1914 was 3.25 per cent a year ; the average flow for ten countries post-1965 was only 1 per cent ( 2 ) .
18 The day began with the men 's semi final , 28 qualifiers competing for eight places in the final .
19 He had not worked and fought for eight years in order to give Aquitaine away to someone else .
20 When the heads of government of the five ASEAN countries held their first meeting for eight years in February 1976 in Indo-China they failed to agree on regional security and the communiqué of the meeting did not mention neutralisation .
21 A BRITON jailed for eight years in Iraq after being seized by border guards on the frontier with Kuwait has been named as Simon Dunn , 23 .
22 Society founder the Rev Ian Gregory encountered Norman as he toured the region for eight days in a study commissioned by the Northumbria Tourist Board .
23 There was room for eight cows in here and every stall was full , but he could see no sign of the half-gipsy girl .
24 Leeds will not make any problems if a club wants to rent me , and the price for 10–11 matches in Norway would probably be around GBP 25000 , Frank say .
25 He 's bought waders for him and the boy both , and shotguns , and they do n't retail for seventy-five cents in souvenir shops .
26 Fry a diced onion and 100g of ham ( parma if you can find it ) for 3–4 minutes in a little olive oil .
27 At a stroke , the need for 300 staff in the health benefit unit could end and they could be redeployed to improve other parts of the service .
28 The elections at federal level were for 300 seats in the Federal Assembly — 150 in the Chamber of the People ( reduced from 200 ) and 150 in the Chamber of Nations .
29 The funding agreement with the CTC allows for 300 pupils in 1991-92 .
30 In addition there are ten , flat-floored seminar rooms with capacity for 30–50 people in classroom-style arrangement .
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