Example sentences of "for [det] time [be] " in BNC.

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1 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
2 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
3 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
4 ‘ I had for some time been interested in the work of the 17th century Dutch and Spanish still-life school of painting .
5 They came to the bank of the stream which had for some time been running unseen beside them .
6 Tanberg had for some time been interested in the way that hydrogen behaves in the presence of metals such as palladium .
7 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
8 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
9 James had for some time been accepting an annual pension from Elizabeth in return for promises of assistance against foreign invaders — meaning , at this period , Spain — and on the tacit understanding that he would in no way connive at his mother 's return to Scotland .
10 Many who had earlier worked against Scottish interests had for some time been making covert approaches and promises through envoys between the two Courts .
11 A possible intervention of the King 's Proctor to upset the divorce had for some time been lurking in the Government 's mind .
12 Although it has yet to displace the older established metal in western sentiment , court jewellers have for some time been using platinum as a more appropriate setting for diamonds than gold .
13 The issue of conscription was a particularly tender one for the union , for it had for some time been under pressure from the Admiralty over breaches of the obligation of seamen , nominally enforced by the Board of Trade , that sailors should be on board their ships on time and hence not delay sailings .
14 The twentieth century has seen the growth of a considerable literature on management as an acquired skill and it has for some time been possible to obtain academic management qualifications .
15 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
16 Holloway prison 's C1 unit has for some time been the subject of public concern and outrage .
17 Trade unions had for some time been supporting candidates for the House of Commons and spending union funds for this purpose .
18 Steelworkers in the public sector had for some time been in dispute with their employers , the British Steel Corporation , and had come out on strike .
19 Relations between the communist states had for some time been less amicable than a common dedication to working-class interests might have suggested .
20 Proposals such as these went a long way to alleviate Chinese concerns and brought closer the possibility of a summit meeting between the two leaderships for which Soviet spokesmen had for some time been calling .
21 There had for some time been complaints about the secular elements in Catholic church music , the exhibitionism of organists , the use of tropes , the obscuring of the sacred texts by polyphony , and so on .
22 Picasso had , it is true , for some time been frequenting the different galleries of the Louvre .
23 By 1907 , the year that preceded the painting of the Baigneuse , Fauvism had already lost much of its original impetus , and Braque , like the other Fauves , had for some time been searching for some more solid basis for his art .
24 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
25 But three years later on 27 July 1795 the new head of the Macclesfield company , Abraham Mills , wrote to the new agent Thomas Harrison of Kendal , advising him , alas , that " … the Coniston Mine has for some time been so unproductive that it has been determined to discontinue the working … "
26 1984 has for some time been identified as an important milestone in the twentieth century .
27 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
28 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) has for some time been worried that British spending on civil science , especially within the higher education sector , may not be adequate to enable the country to remain internationally competitive .
29 Former President Efraín Ríos Montt , heading the No-Venta ( " No Sell-Out " ) coalition of three small right-wing parties and promising a clampdown on law and order to stem escalating violence , had for some time been thought likely to emerge as winner of the presidential elections .
30 Scholars in this field had for some time been engaged in a debate over the importance of acquired and inherited personality traits in behaviour .
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