Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a hiding for thee when th'gets back from th'gallivanting ! ’
2 Shrewsbury by the way are a third division team , they 're about eighth or ninth in the table so er a great chance for them tonight to cause a major upset .
3 Wynne-Jones 's knowledge of the woodland realm was far too useful for them simply to abandon him and race furiously for the north .
4 When people are used to , say , £1 of their limited housekeeping money going each Friday to nice Mr Jones when he calls , it must be very difficult for them even to consider diverting that money into a different spending channel which would instead involve them — rather than Mr Jones — in all the work of paying it in .
5 ‘ In order for them not to happen the law would have to be changed and , with the time it would take to change the law , we would n't be able to do so before the elections are due to happen .
6 There 's no excuse for them not to go into the medical practice booklet because they 've got fifteen thousand patients or thereabouts .
7 She came to see him once , was shy and vague and noncommittal , later wrote to say it was best for them not to see each other again .
8 Er our distribution system has got great press recently and it 's regarded as one of the three best distribution systems in the U K. One of the things we 're trying to do is to pay less for our books , it 's very easy to pay very very fancy prices for , for er mid-range authors and for them not to earn out , so we 're looking for much cheaper books .
9 For the normal continuation of the museums ' collecting and activities , it is better for them not to collect pictures by European masters for kopeks in Russia , but to buy equipment and restoration materials with serious money in the West .
10 Erm it would be extremely difficult t for them not to occupy our thoughts , I 'm not sure whether your question is is inviting me to consider what the European Community should be doing in the context of Bosnia .
11 So they reverted to their original position : that as neither of them missed sex , it was OK for them not to have it .
12 Gives her income and it 's balanced by her allowances and if you move not sufficient to , for the income to exceed that then at the same time it goes into a bank or building society you apply for them not to deduct income .
13 He thought it was reasonable for them not to provide night care even now and essential for them to have a night sleeper for seven nights a week from this time on .
14 Either they operated some kind of taboo against such things , or else the technological relics of past civilisations were commonplace enough for them not to attach importance to a vessel which they must at least suspect to be in operable condition .
15 While members were asked not to behave in a representative manner , the source of their nomination ( councils , fellow doctors , nurses and trade unionists ) made it very difficult for them not to consider ramifications on their constituencies .
16 It is hard for them not to believe , for they slip in and out of belief caressed by the changing breezes of cultural fashion .
17 In general , it is often unnecessary for exporters to cover every currency risk but imprudent for them not to cover any risk .
18 This partly explains why they 've been struggling on for around six years now , but is no excuse in the current climate for them not gaining some long overdue recognition .
19 It took about nine days for them completely to stop eating green eggs , but they continued to enjoy the ordinary white egg .
20 Nor is there any power for them either to require details from people in order to keep a register or to require people to continue to notify them of changes in any register .
21 While I was doing that all the drums I left last week for them just to do they had n't done .
22 I feel that there should be four or five other tournaments around the country to play in order for them just to get to the national championships .
23 Would it be possible for them also to prune this tree hard back so the light can be seen .
24 Microcomputers are accessible to individuals at home , to small businesses and to schools This means that the majority of microcomputers are used by people without specialised skills in computing Manufacturers of microcomputers and the writers of programs for them therefore design their products to be simple to use Mainframe and minicomputers , however , are extremely expensive and have always been the preserve of large organisations where specialist staff and trained computer operators are more readily available .
25 Most of these new rich were only one step removed from village life , and to have a brand new ‘ cottage style ’ house , and on an enormous scale , was for them extremely appealing .
26 And Karen last weekend , after you were sitting for them suddenly took ill on the Saturday I think , and Sheila was n't in any great shape , so he went back home er , from the office an over his lunch hour to see if he could just go and lend a hand , ge generally help out over his lunch hour .
27 Unless low income-earners can achieve , at a stroke , a very large rise in earnings and jump right out of the trap , it is virtually impossible for them significantly to improve their situation .
28 You do n't pay for them though do you ?
29 In 1872 , the Glasgow Mission for the Deaf was properly reorganised , and Strathern was secretary for them then acted as treasurer for many years until he resigned due to differences with the then committee .
30 As we shall see in the next chapter , there are those who believe that management have often adopted forms of work organisation which give rise to unsatisfying jobs because it is cheaper for them so to do .
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