Example sentences of "for [noun pl] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Provided they are not mentally impaired , and we are able to exercise tact , the truth , spoken in love , will always achieve more than saying nothing in order to ‘ keep the peace ’ , and harbouring resentments which fester in the mind and inevitably make us bad-tempered towards them for reasons they do not understand .
2 Certain territories , it is true , were disposed of right away , but for reasons which carried no implications for the further demission of power .
3 In December 1991 , Dr Siraj was again brought before a military tribunal , for reasons which remain unclear , and was later transferred from Kober Prison in Khartoum North , to Shalla Prison in western Sudan .
4 Forms which are not attached to the coast or only attached at one end seem to orientate themselves , some at right angles to the resultant like attached forms and some parallel to the resultant for reasons which remain uncertain .
5 They they tended to say the same thing as the government , erm but recently Tory motions , in this council , have started to say the opposite of the government f for reasons which remain obscure to me and this is just another example .
6 The same can probably be claimed for those who for reasons which had little to do with humanitarian concern — fearing Jewish revenge in the event of a lost war , or blaming Hitler for bringing on the war through attacking the Jews , attitudes which of course themselves betrayed the influence of Nazi ‘ Jewish conspiracy ’ propaganda — were voicing criticism of Nazi anti Jewish policy .
7 They were shaped within a world dominated by respectable values , but even when the patterns approximated ( as they did in the eventually declining birthrate ) they did so for reasons which had a different rationale in each class .
8 In 1827 , for reasons which had nothing to do with the success or failure of the enterprise , the land-owner sold the estate and the community was dispersed .
9 For reasons which had seemed wise at the time , the Bar had not accepted that offer at that stage .
10 In Margaret Donaldson 's terms , such explanations are produced for reasons which make ‘ human sense ’ .
11 in certain locations but for reasons which go into
12 That they should be held outside the US was for reasons which follow .
13 It has , however , been contained by an environment in which President Nyerere 's political leadership promoted a strong national ideology , and in which , for reasons which lie in Tanzania 's nineteenth-century history ( including both the replacement of traditional authority by trader barons and the unity achieved among some peoples in resisting German colonialism ) localism has been much less strong than among many African peoples .
14 For reasons which baffle me , the referee thought that it was Gimbert who was pulling down the scrum .
15 I married Melanie in a rush , for reasons which embarrass me to remember .
16 Stasis and then sudden change , which for reasons which do slightly defeat me , are called punctuational changes .
17 But more often than not these decisions are made for reasons which have little or nothing to do with creativity .
18 She was mated to Ajax and produced two litters , the first one , in 1938 , contained five dogs , four of which apparently went to India and Pakistan , for reasons which seem to be obscure .
19 Though they were as a rule sparing in the use of force , this was for reasons which seem not to have included sympathy with civil disobedience .
20 And this application of standard formula upset Selby for reasons we heard this morning , and it upsel =set us because it did n't seem to be taking the real situation into account .
21 This has the real hard stuff — cattle mutilations performed by aliens ( apparently , ‘ for reasons we do n't yet understand ’ , they 're also interested in cows ' bottoms ) , UFOs and AIDS , stories about he ‘ men in black ’ , CIA men from space , who drive brand new Fifties ' cars , wear trousers that do n't crease and harass people who claim to have seen UFOs .
22 Goldney , for reasons we do not know , declined the offer of the Cherokee earth and it therefore fell to Cookworthy and Champion to perfect the porcelain known as ‘ Bristol China ’ .
23 The male does sometimes mate with one of the young female helpers but this , for reasons we do not understand , never seems to result in pregnancy .
24 Perhaps , for reasons we do not understand , the patterns of interconnections in the smell-brain are under a more versatile system of genetic control , and this allowed the rapid evolution of the neocortex , facilitating the neopallial explosion .
25 He says asthma has been becoming increasingly common for the last 20 years for reasons we do n't understand .
26 For reasons nobody knows , they even included beans among prohibited foods .
27 I suspected there was a mystery behind his banal description of a parchment-seller born and raised at Nantes in Brittany ; a stationer who knew how to work the new presses from Gutenberg and , for reasons he kept to himself , had moved both his family and business to England .
28 His father 's favouring of Chuck had forced him to turn to her increasingly for solace , and that some unimaginable selfishness should have driven her to commit her dreadful act of desertion baffled and disturbed him deeply for reasons he did n't begin to understand .
29 OK , so her date with O'Shea had n't turned out as he 'd imagined , but the fact remained she had chosen her old college buddy over him — a fact that rankled for reasons he did n't care to examine .
30 Well , yes , I know that , O.K. , I said , you 're their mother , and you decided against their father for reasons I take to be desolate , but would n't some Asian studies in St. James 's Square at the Institute of International Affairs be less perilous until they are both over , say , four ?
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