Example sentences of "was one [Wh det] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
2 Unlike the others , which were basically snapshots , this was one which would have fitted comfortably in any model 's portfolio .
3 The measure had acquired its name because among its measures was one which would have allowed individuals to register to vote while seeking a driver 's licence , a procedure already in operation in 28 states and Washington DC .
4 There was an awareness among people outside schools that schools could choose between a range of approaches to the curriculum ( Lawton 1986 ) and there was an expectation that the chosen curriculum in , for instance , each primary school was one which would create the basis of a rational , moral and enquiring attitude to learning and to future experience .
5 The question was one which must often have arisen in this period of extensive rebuilding : Did an altar require to be reconsecrated after it had been moved ?
6 The threat of alliance between the king of France and an unfriendly ruler of northern Spain was one which must have worried the English in Bordeaux .
7 They may be regarded as having been , at central government level , ideologically inspired : that is , undertaken either on the view that the possibility of rescuing a failed , conventionally organised enterprise would serve to promote Socialism in a neo-Marxist version of it absolutely opposed to Capitalism , and that the occasion was one which must not be missed even though the odds against success were heavy ; or in a spirit of uncritical idealism , sure that the ideology guaranteed success , that the gloomy appraisal was therefore wrong and the distinction between co-operative means and socialist ends a carping irrelevance .
8 The press-gang gave politicians an effective method of giving a very real service to the parties more directly concerned , and it was one which should have created a lasting sense of obligation , for life before the mast in one of His Majesty 's ships was not likely to be easily forgotten .
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