Example sentences of "was also [adj] because " in BNC.

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1 Restraint was also necessary because of the massive drain on the body which occurred during intercourse .
2 Thirtynine was also good because I was n't yet middle-aged , but had a bit of living under my belt and authority above the neck .
3 Speich was serious — being German but he was also serious because he could see what was coming over the horizon looked like a storm .
4 Phyllisia was also insecure because her father told her she was ugly , but Edith and her family made her feel special , ‘ They thought I was pretty , all except Ellen , the baby , and she thought I was beautiful . ’
5 National Rivers Authority was also worried because once the section is designated its legal protection would make flood maintenance work difficult .
6 For monetarists , control of capital spending was also important because it must be financed out of public borrowing , and that affects the money supply , interest rates and inflation .
7 The Euro Cities Conference was also important because it was the founding of that organisation formally and it was important to go there and say to the big monopoly that 's emerging it 's
8 The Euro Cities Conference was also important because it was the founding of that organisation formally and it was important to go there and say to the big monopoly that 's emerging between some of the Western European cities , the big six , Birmingham , Barcelona , Frankfurt , Rotterdam , Milan and Strasbourg , that they were n't gon na get it all their own way and they were n't going to monopolise those funds that were available for links with Eastern Europe .
9 But wastage was also high because of interference from the normal background noise of day-to-day living ; on one occasion , interference from electronic equipment in the room resulted in a whole blank tape .
10 He was also attractive because he was so reassuring .
11 Reduction of the fares was also invalid because it involved a breach of the fiduciary duty owed by the G.L.C. to the ratepayers .
12 Like Heatfest the survey was also unique because it brought together active tenants groups in both Glasgow , Edinburgh and London and a range of professionals — from Edinburgh University , Strathclyde University and the Glasgow Community Health Resource Unit .
13 Mrs Thatcher 's position was also secure because the Cabinet ‘ Wets ’ were never a coherent group ; the term mistakenly unified diverse critics .
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