Example sentences of "was n't [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 The pistol was n't pointed at Trent .
2 Mother was n't moved at all .
3 This scheme was shrewd , but for the fact that the ‘ crumbling ’ in England came too late , when much SNP support had already drifted to Labour in expectation of a hung parliament , and was n't registered at all in the polls .
4 Montgomery was n't fooled at all .
5 Er your worships , the one remaining summonses , the one relating to the fact that his vehicle er , was n't taxed at the time of the accident and , I think er he he will be aware his tax er , did run out at the end of May and this accident happened on the twenty first of June .
6 Er Your Worships the one remaining summons is the one relating to the fact that his vehicle er was n't taxed at the time of the accident , and I think er you , you will be aware , his tax did run out at the end of May and this accident happened on the twenty first of June .
7 But er oh he was n't liked at all .
8 Becker did n't play particularly badly — his service was n't broken at all during the match , although he did serve five double faults — but in the big points in the tie-break , Sampras was supreme .
9 but there was n't said at the council , they said that they realize that what there has to be done ca n't be done so , so quickly , you see the past in what er back end of October
10 But er any pinching or anything like that ooh it was erm it just was n't accepted at all .
11 Do you not think that almost regardless of the reply and whatever that reply contained , with what we now know with the benefit of hindsight about Liechtenstein , which was actually known by I M R O there 's not for the benefit of hindsight that was n't known at that time , should n't I M R O have refused immediately to license any organisation that was controlled out of Liechtenstein in those circumstances ?
12 She was n't expected at the Refuge till lunch time .
13 She was n't booked at Thorn House , told me she was five weeks early .
14 Er so she was she was n't bothered at all about your er
15 Well , it turned out that Rosa was n't sold at all .
16 ‘ I do n't mean that Anna did n't go on the way she did in front of Mena , but it was n't directed at Mena and she knew it ; she only minded her being unhappy .
17 I I fully accept e I I hope my evidence in fact was n't directed at our proposal but in terms of the erm of the general guidance given by the Department of the Environment that there should be a general location specified by district and by locational features such as etcetera .
18 He did his best to see that his phone was n't disconnected at that time — he lived , as I say , from day to day .
19 My name was n't mentioned at all . ’
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