Example sentences of "was there [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Too often their name was there but they either did n't appear , sending in someone else , or went only with someone else with them .
2 ‘ He was there but he did n't do it !
3 But that other bloke was there but he was n't in his normal place .
4 We had to pay er there was two lots of erm tyres , there was one set of buses were fitted with and another one with or I forget which it was there but I know those three were involved at some time or other and we used to record the mileage , send it off to them , showing what each bus ran during the month .
5 And when I took those I did n't come down for a , and that frightened me , I said to Russell I will never ever take speed because it 's if , I was er we were in the pub right on a Sunday morning and I was there but I was n't there , I was somewhere else .
6 I knew the risk was there but it did n't become a major concern .
7 Right Lisa was there I was there and Emma was there and them two were leaning over .
8 Daddy was there and we had a drink .
9 ‘ I know Mr Yates was n't very happy and I can sympathise , unfortunately the law was there and we could n't turn a blind eye .
10 They did n't find my husband at home but I was there and they beat me terribly .
11 And er all that , her other twelve children all came up to see her while she was there and they were beautifully kept , really well kept and well fed too .
12 And when I was there and they used to send their orders they used to come holiday times , some people had houses in and .
13 Mickey Mouse was there and they had their photographs took with Mickey Mouse
14 well yesterday the black bird was there and they ate till late , I think , I think they roost in that er holly bush
15 He said no I 'm on the phone and then they took a photo and that , Geraldine was there and they tipped the whole fucking bucket on his head , he had dog ends in his hair , and everything and he went you , he did n't know what to say , and we said see you David all the best .
16 The theatre director Schuh was there and he saw me sitting by myself during the interval .
17 When I answered it , the hotel manager was there and he asked if he could have a discreet word with me .
18 I was there and he only urged people in the flat part of the arena to dance .
19 And then of course he tells me about punk rock and he was there and he was the meaning of punk rock .
20 And on one occasion in the gymnasium , I turned round to look at a boy behind me and the master was there and he smacked me with the flat of his hand as hard as he could .
21 Chief Inspector [ E ] was there and he turned round and said , ‘ Sharon Mills ? ’ and I said , ‘ That 's right , ’ and he said , ‘ I 'm charging you with running a brothel and living off immoral earnings . ’
22 And when he passed me I did not like to look at his face because it was dark like the shadows of the hill , and when he reached the door he laughed and I did not like to hear him laugh , and when he reached the yard he stopped because Beuno was there and he said to him , ‘ She 'll be all right now .
23 That was approved three years ago on policy group , Stuart was there and he he agreed that it was a feasible option to civilianise C P O's .
24 Erm the R M I F bloke was there and he said that 's the second one he 's been to where they 've been doing the training and the launch at the same time and neither of them 've gone well .
25 And on a Saturday with Jenny going in if there 's any overtime you and old what's-a-name was there and he came and tapped me on the shoulder .
26 And of course the old man was there and he come over and grabbed the bloke by the throat and he said do n't you ever shout at my son like that again .
27 See I know why cos you see her husband he do n't and cos when her husband come for the kids Bob was there and he said I ai n't bloody well going out to them .
28 Well you were n't there , I was there and he did n't beat him up .
29 Lo and behold , when I got to court , this old lady was there and I felt so ashamed and so sorry for her .
30 Sometimes Maisie went to him instead of me because he was the one who was there and I was the one who went away .
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