Example sentences of "was at first [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clare was at first protective and maternal , then weepy and emotional , and finally , when the implications of what Rachel was doing became clear to her , she was furious .
2 Mrs Ramsden 's husband , Jack , whose successful punting exploits have regularly had the bookies reaching for the valium bottle , was at first stunned and angered by the suggestion that anything was wrong with Travelling Light , whom he has backed at 33-1 for the second leg of the Autumn Double .
3 The critical dimensions of the transformational effort were starting with a vision that was at first unclear or at least insufficiently communicated , focusing too much on cost reduction and not enough on developing a new state , trying to function without adequate transition-management structures , and consciously intervening in the matrix-management issues until they became acute .
4 The brother and sister had a lot more in common than was at first apparent .
5 He and a group of clerical supporters refused to accept the outcome of events , despite the fact that Cautinus was at first conciliatory — he may even have been responsible for the proposal that Cato should be given the see of Tours .
6 In Orkney , the attack on housing policy was at first personal but then it turned against bureaucracy in general which led officials to being very defensive .
7 In eighteen thirty one Charlotte was sent to the , to Roe Head School at Murfield She was at first homesick , but eventually carried off three prizes .
8 Having negotiated the pitch with difficulty in the wet , I was at first relieved at having passed beneath the boulder and looking forward to an easy scramble to the top when I came across another difficult pitch .
9 Kate was at first astounded by his arrogance , then furiously angry .
10 The citation order was at first unsatisfactory and modifications were made in order to better reflect the needs of users .
11 She was at first incensed at the idea — as if she had no more to do than pack up guns , as if it were an easy matter to send such an object at all , as if she existed only for his convenience — and then amused .
12 Re was at first pleased but soon realised that Hathor 's delight in killing might lead to the destruction of all mankind , which he had not intended .
13 But this time , faced with an orchestra which apparently was at first slow to respond to his blandishments , the musician took priority over the Mahlerian moraliser and he revealed many details and subtleties of the score while keeping its huge overall span firmly within his sights .
14 There was at first little to engage his political interest , but this changed after Eden 's resignation in February 1938 .
15 The press was at first unhelpful in either explaining or interpreting the events .
16 It showed a radiopaque object , which was at first difficult to identify .
17 Ecology could exist at the research level even though it was at first difficult to introduce it into the universities and schools as an academic discipline .
18 Because the most celebrated of these — the Trianon — was at first full , I was put into the second-best , the Novotel .
19 The morale of the air force was at first excellent , this being achieved through provision of better rations and other privileges .
20 Louise was at first excited ; then , when the recollection had overwhelmed her , collapsed in a corner , her body racked with sobs .
21 But the will , which Rock read in a newspaper , was at first hard to take .
22 Pinay was at first reluctant to pursue the project , which in all probability would have died an administrative death , had de Gaulle not let off a series of explosions of impatience with the footdragging of the Finance Ministry .
23 So , the Conservative response to Mr Smith 's Budget was at first feeble .
24 Fleming himself , to his credit , was at first distressed by the publicity and wrote accordingly to Florey .
25 The iron pricker which was at first common was replaced by brass or copper .
26 Eliot was at first furious with him about the decision .
27 By 1819 , if Shelley is to be taken as a reliable guide , Wordsworth 's stock had gone down and down : ‘ He was at first sublime , pathetic , impressive , profound ; then dull ; then prosy and dull ; and now dull — oh so very dull ! it is an ultra-legitimate dulness ’ ( Dedication to Peter Bell the Third ) .
28 Other circumstances as well as the interplay of national interests ensured that Britain was at first able to retain her special position in America 's network of alliances .
29 I had started at the Royal College of Music , and the atmosphere there was at first hostile to volunteering .
30 The Central Committee was at first unsympathetic but on 10 October , at a meeting which Lenin attended , it was resolved to make armed insurrection the order of the day .
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