Example sentences of "was on [art] way " in BNC.

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1 It came to have Connolly 's support and was on the way to becoming thoroughly nationalist and republican under Connolly 's influence .
2 Barrister David Ashton , acting for the liquidators of the Isle of Man Savings and Investment Bank , told the court that good news was on the way for the mostly small depositors , many of whom lost their life savings when the Douglas-based bank collapsed seven years ago .
3 By the end of 1922 the figure had jumped to a remarkable 155 , showing that recovery was on the way and economic activity increasing .
4 The lure of big money was on the way and director Bob Rafelson had fortunately obtained Jack 's signature for another BBS film before the price went up and put him back on track as a counter-culture player , a route which Nicholson analysed in terms of the way he wanted his career to go .
5 At first it went slowly , but in December Luch could tell the bees , warm in their straw wrappings , that an heir was on the way .
6 But in the meantime another form of recording was on the way — ‘ digital recording ’ .
7 But in England the financial department was on the way to becoming a formal institution .
8 I got my first into the sea close off Sliema and the second was on the way out some miles further out and he went in without a top wing .
9 At times I was on the way down and the ball was on the way up .
10 At times I was on the way down and the ball was on the way up .
11 ‘ We told her her present was on the way .
12 The methods Souness used when he set about a struggling Rangers , turned them around and picked up Championships and cups , prepared us for what was on the way at Anfield .
13 Within a few years a temporary revival was on the way , however , and William Titford , grandson of William the Emigrant , was achieving a fair degree of success as a partner in the silk-manufacturing business of Cotes , Titford and Brookes , then operating in Union Street , Bishopsgate .
14 Jack had married the daughter of the Westward family , as unlikely a match as was ever known in the country , but necessary since a child was on the way .
15 It did n't matter — I was on the way .
16 But I remember I was on the way into Howard 's bungalow , and Bogie was coming out , having just seen my screen test , and he said , ‘ We 're going to have a lot of fun together . ’
17 I set off back to the hospital — not in the best of tempers after a foul drive in filthy weather — and it was on the way home , as the wet lamps marched towards me , that it happened .
18 Driving on , he told Paula that Harry Butler was on the way , that he 'd given a brief description of Evelyn so Butler would recognize her , plus her address .
19 MORE rain was on the way to much of Britain yesterday just hours after parts of Scotland and northern England finished clearing up after floods and snowfalls .
20 Len Hutton was on the way to a win against India on his birthday on June 23 , 1952 , the first time an England birthday captain had been on the winning side , and A.E.R .
21 Yet in an article published a decade later , Herz reassessed his claims and retracted his thesis that the state was on the way out .
22 Perhaps he would wait until a baby was on the way , for Mrs Darne had not failed to notice that these days extramarital pregnancy , once a horrible disgrace , was often the loudly publicized occasion for a wedding , with the bride , far from ashamed of herself , carrying all proudly before her .
23 What became known as the Naythuyein Mass Meeting heard Aung San speak about the Burmese contribution to the Allied cause ; he saw Labour 's victory as a sign that imperialism was on the way out and he affirmed that ‘ 99 per cent of the PBF would be unwilling to serve in the fighting forces of a country that was not free ’ .
24 Ironically , he was on the way to a full recovery when he choked on a curry bone at acting chairman , Mr Pahdra Singh 's , restaurant .
25 Er and this this case the there was a fire in a flat , the chap had gone out to work , we did n't know he 'd gone out to work , so we broke First of all we informed the fire brigade was on the way , we broke down the door , quick look in the flat , best possible way we could look , and the fire brigade turned up and dealt with the flat .
26 Fortunately , we had friends at Kelton , which was on the way , about an hour 's walk into the journey , so one could stop and rest .
27 There were one or two ladies in Baldersdale who were very good at midwifery , which was just as well when a baby was on the way and the doctor could n't get there in time , or the weather impeded him .
28 Oldknow seems to have had in mind a great combined enterprise , with 1,000 factory workers and 1,000 weavers , and was on the way to becoming one of England 's greatest cotton lords , to rank with the Peels , Arkwrights , and Strutts .
29 WE TOLD you a few weeks back that multi-million pound striker Marco Gabbiadini was on the way out at Derby .
30 This was the first hard evidence that a change in the advanced courses was on the way although , ever since the development at National Certificate level , it had been assumed that a major change in the advanced level would follow in due course .
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