Example sentences of "was for [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In our bilateral aid the main need was for carefully targeted and flexible assistance in the form of advice , skills and training and our response in this area for our bilateral aid was the creation of the know how fund for the former Soviet Union and for central and Eastern Europe .
2 My friend , whose ablutions are an elaborate , and to him , essential part of his pre-sermon warm up , was for once lost for words .
3 He was tall , dark and far from handsome ; she was small , chirpy and was for ever brushing Kev 's shoulders free of scurf .
4 According to Rupert Sutcliffe , the most senior member of the Department , and its most pertinacious gossip , there was a time not so long ago when Philip Swallow was for ever swanning around the globe on some conference jaunt or other .
5 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
6 For him the synthesis was asymptote towards which he was for ever approaching without ever quite reaching it ; it was a reality , incapable of complete realization .
7 Mrs Robins comes over as a cold , strict woman who was for ever giving orders .
8 Five days later , Monica died , but Augustine 's memory was for ever engraved by the transforming reality of their communion together in ‘ delighting in God ’ .
9 Her mother 's door was for ever opening and closing , opening and closing , tempting her with affection , then , when she approached , dropping to crush her .
10 Michael Middleton has argued that Minton 's search for stimuli in exotic places and his febrile manner of living reflects a longing to escape self-consciousness and to live in the moment : ‘ He was for ever dashing off , afraid he might be missing something round the corner — another party , an evening at the Jazz Club , a drink on the Soho circuit . ’
11 My father probably went over the [ Shakespeare ] plays with me when I was doing my home-work , but his taste was for directly elevating philanthropic and progressive literature .
12 Irrespective of the precise role of linearity in the Hebrew notion of time , it was for long assumed that the eschatological nature of that concept greatly influenced , by way of Christianity , the development of our modern idea of time 's unidirectional non-cyclic nature .
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