Example sentences of "was in such [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , when he drove us home he was in such a state I had to get out of the van .
2 I was in such a tizz — in love , I must admit . ’
3 Only a few weeks ago I was in such a fog , I would n't have been able to write any of this .
4 You see , I think I was in such a state after glancing at those few pages simply because I did n't read any more .
5 Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead .
6 It was in such a mood , then , that I proceeded here to Salisbury .
7 For one thing , I was in such a rush to get everything arranged for our move . ’
8 Jones was struck especially by Citizen Thelwall , who , wearing the white hat of the radical , got up after dinner and ‘ talked so loud and was in such a Passion that Jones was frightened ’ .
9 By the time the meeting was over I was in such a state of excitement and fright that I forgot all about the clothing parcel I was supposed to collect .
10 At times like that I could not care a toss for JTR and wondered why the hell I was in such a situation .
11 The Popplewells told Mr Smith that they would continue with the show but as the country was in such a state of uncertainty they would not be able to pay the Girls ’ wages !
12 At 85 , Swanton can claim to have seen it all , including those dire days in the mid-6o 's when the county game was in such a mess .
13 On Wednesdays the mistress was in such a good mood you could get away with anything .
14 I was in such a state that I stupidly paid the £40 bill and stormed out . ’
15 I could n't even go out because I was in such a state .
16 And he wondered whether it was in such a disorientating limbo of time , listening to the ever-restless sea , that the previous owners of Martyr 's Cottage had chosen their text .
17 On this particular occasion , having picked up her baby daughter , the mother was in such a haste to reach the safety of the shelter that she tripped on the stone steps leading down into its dark interior .
18 Perdita was in such a good mood that she and Daisy actually had supper together for the first time in months .
19 If a bank was in such a position that it was to end , what is the necessity for it to go on ?
20 She even told Sybil that the frog in the school pond was enchanted , and poor Sybil was in such a state that I thought someone ought to teach Mildred a lesson . ‘
21 He was in such a state that I literally had to drag him back to the main road .
22 Louise , however , was in such a state of excitement that initially she did not notice anything wrong .
23 SOCCER player Steve Partridge was in such a hurry that he reversed his car over the family dog … and killed it .
24 ‘ I was in such a daze , there were so many bodies just lying there , ’ she said .
25 The Trunchbull was in such a rage that her face had taken on a boiled colour and little flecks of froth were gathering at the corners of her mouth .
26 Bedside ‘ Robin was in such a state of shock .
27 She was n't very coherent … and she was in such a bad state I could n't force her … ’
28 It seemed that in a school where he was in such a minority , his language and ethnicity had been defined as particular problems requiring the rather Draconian solution of Statementing .
29 The idea is that one does not really accept a universal rule unless an imaginative attempt to put oneself in the place of everyone affected still leaves one happy with it , for only so does one accept the prescription that the action should be done in that case in which it would be oneself rather than the other who was in such a place .
30 I recall vividly one member of the aristocracy who was in such a state about being interviewed on TV that he insisted that I help him go through a half bottle of whisky first .
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