Example sentences of "was to be [det] " in BNC.

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1 There was to be much fun , many pleasures , many stabs of joy ; but no more of the old security .
2 It was to be many years before South Africa could support full-time professional dance companies .
3 We had another seven years of rationing to come , though we did n't know it , and it was to be many years before things returned to normal , but the war was over .
4 It was to be many months before the new tsar accepted defeat in the Crimean War .
5 It was to be many years later that I learned of the strictures Tata had accepted once he had proposed marriage to my mother , a Roman Catholic .
6 The date of the change was 1494 , the year of Charles VIII 's Italian campaign , beginning the destructive French , and therefore Spanish , involvement in Italy which was to be such a dominant theme in European politics and war in the sixteenth century .
7 She had been so thrilled too at the discovery that her home for the next six months was to be such an unconventional one .
8 The aftermath is seen , but it was to be several days before the damaged locomotive could be removed .
9 LONDON , when John Cranko arrived , was suffering the after-effects of an exhausting war , and it was to be several years before the restrictions and shortages were overcome .
10 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
11 If there was to be any relationship , she wanted to see his head on the pillow most mornings .
12 I think our view is that if that provision was to be any greater , then we would have significant difficulty in accommodating that provision within our part of Greater York , primarily for for greenbelt considerations , not reasons , erm any additional provision would require a rolling back of the greenbelt , er significant provision would have two implications , erm either it would mean peripheral expansion er of York into the greenbelt around York and into our district , we feel that would adversely affect the special character of York , lead to outward sprawl of the York urban area , encroachment into open countryside , and coalescence of the urban area with the villages in our district , er and we we would n't want to support that .
13 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
14 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
15 Without a base , then , Mario had only his private ambitions to fulfil , and it was to be some years before he did .
16 As we began to climb there could be no doubt that our destination was to be some place in the hills .
17 Science was being taught in public schools and in grammar schools , and there were courses in universities , which in Britain began at about this time to catch on — this was the era when the great municipal universities started to flourish , though it was to be some time before they received government grants .
18 Well I would have thought that if there was to be some assessment of a reasonable expectation of development proceeding , then there ought to be some assessment of demand , and I have n't seen that yet .
19 It was to be this month .
20 The opera was to be half a triumphant progress of a great queen through history ( and how appropriate that it should contain , in Act Two , a Royal Progress ) , and half a story of an old woman disappointed by a selfish man .
21 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
22 It was hardly flattering , with its account of the miserable climate — the vehement cold and the winds — and the forbidding landscape , with many rough mountains ( for it was to be another two centuries before Rousseau was to alert the attention of Europe to the beauty of mountain scenery ) .
23 In fact , it was to be another two years before the situation changed radically .
24 It was to be another three months before the war finally ended , on VJ Day .
25 For , without doubt , there was to be another visit — and many more to come .
26 However , it was to be another fourteen years before the first permanent regional transmitter was opened in Mbeya in 1972 .
27 A tolerable degree of success resulted from these early attempts at administration on the European continent ; in Ireland , as we know to our cost , it was to be another story .
28 Mozart , then between 14 and 17 , was still very much under his father 's thumb and it was to be another eight years before he broke free from Salzburg , settled in Vienna and married Constanze Weber .
29 But it was to be another 20 years before the changes had marked effect .
30 I suppose if the doctor had got his diagnosis right , then I would have had to go to hospital but it was to be another ten years before I was sent to such a place .
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