Example sentences of "was a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Nizan 's apprenticeship was a testing time .
2 THERE was a testing time in store for members of THORP 's Chemical Separation Process team who found themselves in hot water recently .
3 It was a marvellous time , I think .
4 It was a trying time ‘ or it nearly was .
5 It was a frightful time , people were dying and dying — how could one hang on , she asked herself , to one 's private plan for a life ?
6 Yes the best if there was a dry time a dry stack , they kept that very best but for the calf beds , both for the bothy and the house .
7 It was a perfect time for the launch of Black Dwarf , but there too there were problems .
8 Saturday morning , 20 December was a worrying time for Jane Holt .
9 Needless to say , it was a worrying time for the Roubanova family .
10 For Anne it was a magical time .
11 But it was a magical time because running through everything like a fine , golden thread was the knowledge that we loved one another .
12 ‘ It was a magical time , young and daft and a full time sportsman , but you certainly were n't making your fortune , ’ recalls Malcolm Scott .
13 It was a traumatic time for me .
14 It was a traumatic time for all concerned .
15 For Reagan it was a frustrating time .
16 Masklin decided it was a diplomatic time to wake up .
17 The last quarter of the nineteenth century was a tremendous time in British deaf history , not just because of the events that took place and the deeds that were done , but also because of the men of remarkable ability and calibre who were to be giants amongst deaf , and hearing , people .
18 It was a bittersweet time but he still held my hand going to school .
19 This was a crucial time .
20 That was a terrible time .
21 It was a terrible time to have Christmas .
22 ‘ First I got dropped from RCA , then I was dropped by my publishing company , and then my marriage split up — it was a terrible time all round , really .
23 It was a terrible time for the Orcs , who suffered defeat after defeat and never found a leader of their own to equal Sigmar .
24 It was a terrible time .
25 It was a terrible time ! ’ she answered .
26 In Speyside , for example , a staggering 83% said evening was a suitable time , whilst in both Derbyshire and South Wales nobody wanted an evening course .
27 And er I got involved on national registration and er , on one occasion , we were working , we 'd got a deadline and we were working through the weekend , and my wife came to pick me up at what she thought was a reasonable time , at one o'clock on Saturday , found she was given a cup of tea and set to work , and we finished , going home about midnight . .
28 Lying on her bed , trying to read a book , she watched the time tick round until it was a reasonable time to get undressed and try to sleep .
29 Two , it was a strange time .
30 August 1985 was a strange time for The Smiths .
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