Example sentences of "was over and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 All too soon it was over and we left feeling we had just scratched the surface of this fascinating Republic .
2 This fantasy was so vivid to her that she would even rehearse this line out loud , looking at herself in her mirror as she smoked the last cigarette of the night , after she 'd taken her face off , after all the noise was over and we 'd all gone home .
3 But in that moment , the fight was over and we had won .
4 Finally the ordeal was over and they could escape the tent .
5 All too soon as far as Maggie was concerned the waltz was over and they were clapping the band .
6 Once the funeral was over and they were back in the parlour of the cosy farmhouse , the atmosphere lightened and Victoria was passed from group to group , chattering like an enchanting little doll .
7 The time to start worrying , she supposed , was when the war was over and they were all sent home-for where was home , now ?
8 Both men loved Dartmoor , never happier than when the London season was over and they could return to the remote places which they had shared since childhood .
9 Almost before we 'd begun to really talk , visiting time was over and they were ringing the bell for everyone to leave .
10 The senior team 's rebuilding period was over and they once again looked a force to be reckoned with .
11 When it was over and they climbed from the cars Danny needed a considerable amount of calming as his excitement seemed to have reached a peak .
12 The war was over and she was afraid .
13 Mr Browning coming in at that very moment ran to his wife 's side and all but hauled her out of the bed in order to get her upright — in a moment , the convulsion was over and she sank back quite exhausted and drained .
14 It was over and she had done it .
15 I must have brushed my back against her breasts , but then the touch of her was over and she shouted , ‘ How about lunch ? ’
16 All day this shadow grew in her mind and by the time school was over and she was running along the railway line , it seemed to be running behind her like some dark , winged creature .
17 Her irritation was over and she was prepared to bestow a smile on him .
18 The sooner the business fair was over and she could fly back to London , the better she 'd sleep at nights …
19 She did n't see David again until late afternoon when her shift was over and she joined the group from Conway House in the swimming-pool .
20 PAKISTAN 'S army chief pledged yesterday that the day of military coups there was over and he sought no role in government .
21 Then , within seconds , it was over and he was sauntering around the room pouring the almost clear liquid into the guests ' glasses like an insouciant Greek waiter .
22 By 1933 his career was over and he was broke and an alcoholic .
23 It was over and he was undressed when the knock came on his door .
24 Later , when like a waking nightmare , the business was over and he was once again sitting in the cab , Mr Beecham leant towards him and said , ‘ If you will excuse us we will be returning straight to Newcastle , ’ and paused before adding , ‘ Sir Joseph , ’ which remark drew the young man 's attention to him .
25 The storm was over and he regarded that as a good omen .
26 It was noticed , too , that he had taken the precaution of having some shoes with built-up heels made , so that when the ceremony was over and he took his wife 's arm to move slowly down the aisle , he appeared to be the same height as her , or very nearly .
27 He 'd be glad when this was over and he could settle down to enjoy himself again .
28 Charles found it a strain and was relieved when the meal was over and he felt he could decently leave .
29 She must n't let her out of her sight , not until Tommaso 's leave was over and he was safely back in Caserta .
30 Oh , yes , she had recognised the sexual awareness that was the dark other side of Luke 's hostility — and had tried to ignore it , but it was impossible to go on pretending it did n't exist now that the preliminary skirmishing was over and he was referring to it openly .
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