Example sentences of "was mean to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't see how it was meant to be funny .
2 People could borrow from the social fund , he said , and get money that was interest-free , but money was taken from their income support immediately , even though that support was meant to be the lowest level of income on which one could cope .
3 She was n't meant to be happy , she was meant to be with me .
4 For a child of five this was a terrifying experience , although it was meant to be a birthday treat .
5 She was meant to be thinking about happy things .
6 She was meant to be persuading herself that life was worth living .
7 The talks which Lewis gave to the RAF were on such basic issues as ‘ Why we think there is a Right and Wrong ’ , and from such simple beginnings he framed , in language which was meant to be arresting to ordinary men in the ranks , an exposition first of the theist position , then of the Christian religion .
8 Amanda Bairstow 's principal boy was attractive , but , whatever the provincial accent she adopted as the fortune-seeking Dick was meant to be , it was nowhere near the Gloucester that the script ( and history ) specified .
9 What a far cry from the ‘ machine for living in ’ which Cherry Hill was meant to be .
10 Then it was meant to be Detroit , Chicago , St Louis and work its way west and end in Los Angeles but word of mouth , the cover story in Rolling Stone which Tony coerced out of them , and various other things created such a sensation that they lengthened it .
11 Leaks were the flavour of the year in 1983 , but the trouble was that neither Ken Clarke nor I had the first idea what report this was meant to be as there were no plans , secret or otherwise , for privatization .
12 He picked up the lop-sided contraption that was meant to be his pheasant trap .
13 He glanced up at Doyle to see if it was meant to be a joke , but Doyle was not smiling .
14 This was meant to be the moment of her greatest satisfaction , when she unleashed on him all the bitterness and resentment that she had carried inside her over the years .
15 His question was meant to be extremely scathing .
16 Now the Passover was meant to be held annually , and together with the Feast of Unleavened Bread which immediately followed it , was one of the week-long festivals to which we have already referred ( see Deut.
17 It was a perfect site because the building , for which a quarter of a million pounds ( £8,250,000 ) had been set aside from the Twentieth Century Fund , was meant to be ‘ a challenge to the Church of England ’ .
18 It is the middle of the lambing season and he was meant to be lambing .
19 I have a very clear recollection of Nigel de Grey , sometime Lieutenant-Commander in the Naval Intelligence Division during the First World War , giving us a lecture on security which was psychologically scarifying , as indeed it was meant to be .
20 He glanced down at Mariana , throwing her a fresh smile that was meant to be encouraging but she was looking straight ahead , eyes fixed on the sand-spit .
21 Andrew was meant to be helping him and , hard-headed as usual , John Knox had put the supposedly spare clerk on other work .
22 Palestine was meant to be to the south , beyond Golan , on the West Bank , in Gaza , in Israel itself .
23 Christian Hosoi , who was meant to be getting some sort of subsidiary company through Vision , is now working to get a sub-company set up through H Street : this will eventually be similar to Chris Miller 's Planet Earth .
24 It is beyond doubt that the service was meant to be a social institution with aims in addition to those of an economic nature .
25 Jesus taught his followers that life was meant to be lived a day at a time .
26 Because people refused — and still do refuse — to live life as it was meant to be lived , in happy friendship and obedience to God , evil is present , not only in our world , but within us all .
27 ‘ It was meant to be a supportive stake , ’ its chairman Jim Davies says .
28 Bishop O'Brien reminded the meeting that the Pastoral Council was meant to be a means of bringing the thoughts of the people to the Bishop .
29 It may not have been love at first sight — winged ears and gangly legs have limited appeal — but their relationship was meant to be
30 A man was meant to be doubtful about himself but undoubting about the truth .
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