Example sentences of "was so [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 ’ Lucienne Palmer : ‘ I was so greedy for Oxford Life that I simply did not do enough work , I know .
2 I thought it was so strange for him not to mention her anywhere else .
3 Because superiority was so uncertain for the individual , it had to have one form that was permanent and secure .
4 ‘ It was so awful for all of us .
5 I suspected this fool was so desperate for money that he 'd concealed the bumps and scratches on the disc with black shoe polish , so I was examining its surface with a magnifying glass .
6 She knew he wanted her , and even though it was only for her body Kath was so desperate for his attention that she was ready to settle even for that .
7 Why had she felt so — so vulnerable , so edgy with him , that , when Cara was so desperate for her to do that interview , she had by her uppity manner just about said goodbye to all chance of that .
8 The Queen Regent Luiza of Portugal was so anxious for this alliance that a secret treaty was drawn up in case England 's Parliament did not consider Tangier and Bombay sufficient as Catherine 's dowry , in which Madeira too would have been ceded to England .
9 ‘ I was so anxious for England to succeed and thought my aggressive approach would help . ’
10 Did Miss Symes , a seemingly frustrated spinster if ever there was one , have it to excess and was that why she was so anxious for Hillmarden House to become a family home ?
11 Southey looked for him first at the Salutation and Cat in Newgate Street , where the landlord had given Coleridge free quarters because his conversation was so good for trade .
12 ‘ Eventually they got divorced , which was so good for the family .
13 But if it was so easy for me to see this evidence and to talk to those who had substantial proof of their ownership of homes in mandate Palestine , surely it would be no more difficult to go to Israel , find those same homes and — the idea had a special excitement about it — to knock on those same front doors .
14 ‘ Their first goal was down to a mistake and the second was so easy for them it defies belief .
15 It was so easy for minister and congregation to get excited .
16 All the Argentines adored him and nicknamed him Señor Gracias because he was so grateful for the smallest favour .
17 Leni had taken pity — more than pity — on the young woman who was so grateful for a friendly German voice and so bemused by the political carnival she had unleashed .
18 For a moment he was taken aback as he realised she was so sorry for him she was arranging a date .
19 As she put away the cutlery and was so sorry for herself , she found it made things easier if she dramatised them .
20 Then the king 's son was so sorry for what he had done that he would willingly have died too , if it would have brought her back to life .
21 He took a sadistic delight in teasing the boy for his nervousness , taunting him because he was so small for his age and very thin .
22 ‘ The timing was so fortunate for me , ’ says Mr Gardiner , whose Scottish burr disappears completely when he speaks Japanese .
23 It was so nice for me to renew acquaintance once again with my old and trusted friends , Ingleborough and Company .
24 It was just after I found I was pregnant , but I was so pleased for him , and for myself , I did not fret .
25 But then what happened it was so successful for and I think got so greedy on it they decided to go an American
26 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
27 Previously the government had argued that the slave trade was so profitable that the traders could pay for their own forts , but by the mid-eighteenth century this attitude had changed to an acceptance of the fact that the trade was so necessary for the sugar islands ( and the sugar islands so necessary for the British economy ) that the trade would have to be supported if it could not afford to meet these overhead costs .
28 That 's why I was so frightened for you . ’
29 Nevertheless it does show considerable misjudgement to make films that had little to do with popular taste at a time when it was so difficult for British filmmakers to find an audience .
30 She was so scared for you , and when she saw that you were OK , she just fell apart .
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