Example sentences of "was be [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 Brophy said that he was being questioned about leaks , and that rumours and false information were circulating .
2 The evening newspapers , however , noted that a suspect was being questioned about the current crime , so there was no further speculation about possible links between the various attacks .
3 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
4 Police chief Calvin Ross said a person was being questioned about the killing of Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrand , the eighth foreign tourist and the fourth German killed in Florida in the past year .
5 He was being questioned about Glasgow 's declining health standards by worried councillors .
6 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
7 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology described the ozone losses shown by these measurements as " not very much less that in the Antarctic spring " although " the effects were less dramatic because the polar ozone was being resupplied about as fast as it was being destroyed " .
8 The word Freedom was being bandied about a lot at the time and meant many different things .
9 Jerry Bailey typically articulate was being asked about his success on Ah Kong He described how he had moved alongside a European ridden horse .
10 When we were first warned , I did n't really pay much attention to what was being said about it — the same problem had flared up at both Jersey House and the hotel I 'd just left but in neither case had there been prolonged cause for concern .
11 Diana took the criticism to heart , avidly read what was being said about her and became depressed and despondent .
12 She realised that what was being said about Michael must be true .
13 Hewlett-Packard currently looks by far the best placed of the biggest manufacturers to come out as the winner in the 1990s — but then three or four years ago , that was being said about DEC .
14 We all assumed that because of the , yeah the media pressure , at least talks would start , but I think possibly the management thought that because of this one-sided pressure , you know it seemed at the time that nothing nice was being said about the management , you know you can almost understand them being reluctant to go into a room and offering their side of the argument .
15 ( c. 36 ) Whereas outside the realm , the king needed warning of any rebellion by subject peoples , or any imminent attack , " inside the realm [ the vital point was to find out ] if the people ( populus ) in any part , region or corner of the realm was in a state of disturbance , then what was the cause of it , and if a complaint of the people was becoming serious or if a noise was being made about some injustice about which it was necessary for the general assembly to deal " .
16 Councillor Willie McCafferty said that a lot of hot air was being blown about the issue , and that they should n't hold a seminar until they were actually sure mining would go ahead , adding , ‘ A lot of people here will have their pockets well lined and I make no apologies for that ’ .
17 He presented a strong message to the newly-qualified chemists encouraging them to try to win the confidence of the lay public by admitting to things that go wrong and telling them what was being done about it .
18 ‘ One of the problems ’ , said Nigel Howkins of the JMT , ‘ has been that while our initiative was underway , people felt that something was being done about Mar Lodge ’ .
19 information on absentees and what was being done about them to be regularly fed back to appropriate staff
20 The din became even louder as we turned into Trinity where a gang of felons was being driven about London in a cart wearing a scrawled notice around their neck listing their offence .
21 But if Urquhart were speaking the truth at last — and she wondered whether yet another web of deception was being woven about her — he had forged her into an unwitting tool of the Soviet Union .
22 Says Reagan : ‘ The speaker that followed me spoke in Spanish and he was being applauded about every paragraph .
23 This time last year we were very apprehensive about entering a year when so much doom and gloom was being talked about .
24 The case , reported in local newspapers and on the radio , was being talked about , and Wycliffe was aware of other diners watching him .
25 David Garrington , 26 , of Wynyard Road , Hartlepool , punched another man because he was being taunted about his stammer and blindness in one eye , the town 's magistrates heard yesterday .
26 I do n't know if I was thinking about Another Woman but if George was being blackmailed about something like … and he 'd taken you along because you were tough and … you see the silly fantasies I get into when I 'm alone ? ’
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