Example sentences of "was the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was the same expression he 'd had when backing away from the struggle around the campfire just before Osvaldo — his beard still smouldering — had put him under arrest .
2 He wondered if it was the same rope but did not like to ask his mother .
3 Sure enough , Lewis Luther , or whoever , turned up in full Airborne rig — I was pretty sure it was the same bike and I made a note of its number this time — and they did the business as they had at Holborn .
4 Unfortunately , it was the same reliance on that market that also killed it , as BMC realised it could n't economically meet the new US emissions and safety requirements of the late '60s .
5 It was the same nightmare , Duncan wrapped within the swirling crashing helicopter , flames reaching out to burn him .
6 Tess realized that the farmer was the same Trantridge man who had recognized her in the market town , and had been knocked down by Angel .
7 ‘ Pray tell Dr Heatherton that I called , ’ he said , but all the reply he received was the same cold , formal bow the daughter had made .
8 It was the same banner that flew over the columns of marching men converging on the Women ‘ s Battalion guarding the Provisional Government in St Petersburg … the same banner that was raised in front of the crowds surging into George Square in Glasgow .
9 and then Brenda ran up to explain breathlessly that she did n't think the van would go under the low bridge , as her daddy 's — which was the same size — would n't .
10 She was the same size as me so I knew that her clothes would fit me .
11 The increase in the real cost of mortgage interest tax relief over the period — £2.4 billion at 1986/7 prices — was the same size as the real fall in net public capital spending on housing .
12 The robbers had certainly had a boy with them , they said , but whether this boy was the same boy … well , it seemed very doubtful .
13 This was the same proportion as for all households .
14 The final irony , it was the same Chief Inspector who had signed both the letters he received .
15 But I would buy it if it was the same price as ordinary meat .
16 Krauss notes that even in Rodin 's Three Nymphs , it was the same plaster model that was realized for each of the three figures .
17 It was the same look .
18 It was the same look she 'd directed at the men all through lunch and they 'd loved it .
19 As she looked at Millie rocking herself slightly like a little old woman getting a child to sleep , she though , If I were to tell her her mother has died , she would likely think it was the same way as her father had , whichever way that was , which was n't real dead .
20 ‘ No — I remember , it was Taylor , because it was the same day you came in , and I remember thinking it was a coincidence .
21 He died in nineteen hundred and ten and that was the same day
22 Yes , it was the same man .
23 It was the same man who built Sovovy mill in neo-Gothic style .
24 He had changed his name , of course , but it had been obvious to Fedorov that he was the same man he had disposed of in the Stadtpark three weeks before .
25 There was no doubt whatever in George 's mind that this was the same man .
26 Back in his own home , it seemed incredible to George that he had actually seen Tamar 's attacker at Thorsbury , and yet he was certain that the groom was the same man .
27 She paused before continuing , ‘ You are sure it was the same man ? ,
28 And … and it was the same man who … who took off my cap that .
29 It was the same man .
30 It was difficult to believe that the Birdman ( I never did learn his name ) was the same man I had watched earlier in the day catching puffins on the cliffs beyond the village .
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