Example sentences of "was the [noun] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 After all , he writes , ‘ it was the revolution itself … that first exempted the individual from moral responsibility . ’
2 Apart from the household staffs , many of them must have stayed on since it was the houses themselves that were dissolved , not their economic base , the estates .
3 Because it was the women themselves who were organizing it because they felt part of it they did n't see it as some sort of other people that were more politically motivated that than them giving them something to keep them out on strike , which by its very nature could could have been something that the people would have accepted for a while and then not accepted .
4 The only defender of Islam in Tunisia was the state itself , he added .
5 The object of this act of collective will was the magician himself , Serge Blanco .
6 The only magnate who kept his place unchallenged for long was the prince himself .
7 Perhaps it was the etchings themselves , but he sat and I thought he was n't really looking at them .
8 It was the school itself , and the hope of seeing again that handful of teachers who make a difference in anybody 's life .
9 An anxious young face disappeared from the window as their car drew up and parked under the dripping trees , but it was the Brigadier himself who appeared at the door to meet them .
10 Winner number two was the branch itself — for the competition produced 17 warm leads in just one week .
11 The only person who could have let it out was the girl herself .
12 It was the creoles themselves who raised a citizen army to defend Spanish sovereignty .
13 In power , it never occurred to him , just as it did not occur to Mr Gorbachev until it was too late , that it was the system itself that was rotten through and through .
14 I see no need for a Fender SRV Stratocaster , for example , because the most important ingredient in that particular recipe was the man himself .
15 And here was the man himself , scarred face , heavy limp , and impressive bearing , demanding to see Sally-Anne , but he gave away nothing of this , merely said , ‘ What is it , Baines ? ’ and then to the intruder , ‘ And who the devil are you , sir ?
16 But his looks were only a part of it ; it was the man himself who drew her like a magnet , his mind , his character , his spirit , whatever made him him .
17 Suppose he learned that it was the Regent himself who was there .
18 The beadles backed off , bowing and scraping as if the coroner was the Regent himself .
19 Worse still , the epicentre of labour militancy was the capital itself .
20 By the time it reached London , what seemed to be missing most of all was the play itself .
21 The distant border of the enclosure was the river itself , sweeping in serpentine curves round the perimeter .
22 In the end , all I had to go on was the gallery itself .
23 Not only was the libretto itself being written in Salzburg , but a translation into German was also undertaken there .
24 Now how how was the army itself organized , did you was it in the in the normal normal sense of the army
25 She accepted the offer gratefully , feeling the train slow down even more as it cruised into the vast amphitheatre of concrete and glass that was the terminus itself .
26 It was the customer himself who recognised professionalism when he saw it and responded accordingly .
27 Here , as in America , it was the hunters themselves who realized the need to protect stocks by establishing reserves .
28 It was the showmen themselves who defined the place of the movies in the formal and respectable middle-class mind .
29 Their main asset was the General himself .
30 He would plead that the plugs had been planted by someone who bore a grudge against him , and the story would be quickly put round the plant that it was the foreman himself who had fixed it , to settle an old score .
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