Example sentences of "was [Wh adv] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Damian said unsteadily , and bent his head to kiss her mouth with slow , sensual desire , and that was how they made love , their bodies moving as slowly but surely towards that ecstasy as that initial kiss did , until Rachel , this time , was breathless and incoherent , delirious with pleasure as she reached climax through his strokes and expertise and unbelievably exciting lovemaking .
2 You left a loving wife and a happy home to serve king and country and this was how they treated you .
3 It was how they knew about pilots going up again as soon as possible after a crash , grandfather had told them .
4 How they felt was how they felt .
5 ‘ I thought that one of the most interesting things about the Manson case was how they thought that The Beatles were talking to them , and that they thought The Beatles were the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the Bible .
6 Self Inflicted Wound , that was how they had referred to sunburn back in the old days of Counter Insurgency .
7 I think that was how they had to be , and they 'd be out in this very dangerous environment looking for food , and suddenly they 'd be aware that they 'd , the were coming .
8 It was only later I suspected this was how they 'd obtained their detailed information about me .
9 In fact , for all he knew — which was n't much , since he never visited other trainers — this was how they did took .
10 The horse would walk up that and that was how they marked the boundaries .
11 I have no doubt whatever , that if they commissioned an outside and objective research organisation to ascertain from their members whether this was how they wanted their contributions spent , they would get a resounding ‘ no ’ .
12 And that was how they parted .
13 Now that one is bound to be sixty , the the angle at the centre , because that was how we made it .
14 I 'll erm , I 'll venture and , and my parents said yes , that would be alright and so er so I came along and erm of course , it happened that he was in the he was in the forge talking to Hector on the first evening I came and that was how we met .
15 Yeah and that was how we use it basically
16 Well , oh gosh , the team seemed to play in one way like , nine man rugby scrum , scrum and scrum half and that 's about it is n't it , probably was how we planned it .
17 . was the fire brigade chief , was a newspaper man , and this was how we ran in this village .
18 This was how we went on then .
19 So that was how we came to be sitting in the darkened room with Granny 's coffin on the table , waiting for the neighbours to come and show their last respects .
20 Of course , in her father 's estimation , it was not much of a house , a warren of smallish rooms was how he saw it , and set in a damp situation on the side of a river valley .
21 For that was how he saw it :
22 The glory dwindled into a nuisance , a practical difficulty , since that was how he saw a child .
23 Up until yesterday , when the whole thing had taken shape and he had whisked her away to Rocamar , she had simply been his confidante — at least , that was how she had seen herself , and she 'd assumed that was how he saw her too .
24 This , evidently , was how he viewed the ongoing crisis involving the NEA , which has been accused of using American tax dollars to subsidise morally offensive , even pornographic art ( see The Art Newspaper No. 17 , April 1992 , pp. 1 , 2 and 14 ) .
25 Maybe that was how he got his own way ?
26 ‘ My fellow reprobate and exile ’ ( that was how he designated Shelley ) was established with two young women , Mary Godwin and her half-sister , Claire Claremont .
27 That was how he felt .
28 But that was how he felt .
29 Since I was not going to discuss the future with him , I did not ask him to elaborate , but I registered his disappointment and thought that , if that was how he felt , he was making it easier for me to leave him .
30 That was how he made his living — selling paintings of great delicacy and serenity and beauty .
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