Example sentences of "was [not/n't] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But it was not for her ;
2 Marriage was not for her , she told herself .
3 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
4 The policewoman shot her a look which said that it was not for her to say so , even if she , herself , had been thinking it .
5 It was not for her to criticise him .
6 She had tried to enter the world of light , but it was not for her .
7 He had banged his glass on the table and it was not for her to disobey .
8 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
9 If he felt that his work lay here , it was not for her to question his decision , but she sometimes wished that something might happen to make him change his mind .
10 No , it was not for her .
11 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
12 It was not for me to tell him .
13 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
14 However , it was not for me to tell him how to treat his advisers , and half an hour later three civil servants arrived with their notebooks whereupon I dictated my suggestions to them .
15 Resented by the air crews as well as the travelling public , it was not a good atmosphere in which to work , and I very soon decided it was not for me .
16 It did so badly afterwards that I decided racing was not for me .
17 I was enjoying it , but I just decided this was not for me
18 It was not for them but for the ruling CPP to decide what best promoted the goals Nkrumah outlined .
19 By the end of the year both girls concluded that the nineteenth-century atmosphere of Rhydoldog was not for them , and left .
20 Almost immediately on arrival , surrounded by the cosmopolitan excitement of New York , its immense anonymity , the total lack of personal interest shown towards him after having been the centre of warmth and appreciation in Montreal , he knew that it was not for him .
21 Since George always did the arriving early and the saving of places , it was not for him to complain .
22 After a year 's postdoctoral research , including a short spell in Sweden on a British Council award , Worswick decided that a long term career at the bench was not for him .
23 The Commissioner pointed out that it was not for him to decide how statutes should be interpreted but he was satisfied that the complaints about odours from the factory had not been ignored .
24 The glamour and glitter of London that his wife clearly loved was not for him and at any opportunity , he would fly back by helicopter to Highgrove late at night .
25 Now 48 , Mr Ames realised at an early age that the nine to five routine was not for him .
26 Philip Ames realised at an early age that the nine to five routine was not for him .
27 He , too , felt that academic study was not for him .
28 Tuan Ti Fo smiled , knowing it was not for him to ask , nor for them to answer .
29 In the face of his father 's protestations he had decided that the conventional path for the scholarship winner — law or medicine — was not for him ; he was going to Oxford to do History .
30 A CHRISTMAS job in his university days convinced Mr John Ensoll that the Secret Service was not for him .
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