Example sentences of "was [pos pn] most [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was my most productive rig prior to the hair and I have used it since on waters where the hair has been banned .
2 Christie 's sale on 26 March was their most successful post-war sale to date , totalling £698,522 ( with premium ) , 75% sold by value and 68% by lot .
3 In a recent study a group of exporters indicated that financing their export activities , which included managing cash-flow as well as managing exchange rate fluctuations , was their most difficult task .
4 After 1540 there were normally two such secretaries ; and though they handled an enormously wide range of business , domestic , Irish and later colonial , " the care of foreign affairs was their most important duty " .
5 If their complexion was their most celebrated feature , then perhaps a long necklace of perfect pearls .
6 Abruptness was her most familiar mode , and Liz sometimes fancied that she practised it with peculiar pleasure on Charles , whenever she got the chance : and Charles , accustomed to being listened to with reverence , took it in good part .
7 But Jane Eyre was her most famous book .
8 ‘ The Dying Swan ’ , created for her in 1907 by Mikhail Fokine , was her most popular interpretation .
9 " You learnt a lot " , according to one woman who had worked on the Encyclopaedia Britannica , which was her most vivid memory , as well it might be .
10 This new autonomy , fostered by German scholarship , was its most decisive innovation of all ; and the fact that most areas of knowledge were just then involved in methodological developments of one kind or another does not lessen its importance .
11 ‘ Your committee are now compelled to bring to your recollection the sad event which has deprived the Body of the illustrious Person , who was its most efficient Member .
12 Cassirer was elected chairman of the Secession in 1912 and staged what probably was its most impressive exhibition in 1913 .
13 This had always been even more precious than love-making , or was its most precious part .
14 Amongst physics students , the intellectual appeal of the subject — its certainty , its fundamentality , its discoveries — was its most important quality .
15 The officially published diaries of Ceauşescu 's engagements reveal that Yasser Arafat was his most frequent guest : on average they met six times a year and saw each other for the last time only a month before the revolution .
16 This was his most vulnerable political decision .
17 Although Mr Cossiga has now backed down , it was his most serious mishap to date .
18 It is not recorded whether the Salas diary was his most recent acquisition or whether it appealed most to the colleague but the following story is quite remarkable .
19 Figuring a total of 600 plates in seven volumes ( of which 328 species were new to science and named by Gould ) , it was his most expensive production to date .
20 But his steely sense of his outward self was his most envied quality .
21 He had a boyish , slightly abstracted look , that was his most endearing expression .
22 I asked him what was his most enduring memory of Miles .
23 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
24 After calling it , this was his most important and abiding contribution to the Council .
25 This speech was his most significant review of the question since losing the premiership .
26 In 1886 he met Oscar Wilde [ q.v. ] ; their friendship developed slowly , but in 1895 , when Wilde was sentenced to two years ' hard labour for homosexual crimes , Ross was his most constant and loyal friend .
27 His descent continued : his job talking rubes into a San Francisco strip-club was his most reputable career during a period in which he also became a heroin addict , a pimp for his next bride and an armed robber ( he once pinned a victim 's hand to the floor with a knife ) .
28 On the field , however , progress proved slow and fourteenth ( out of sixteen ) during the 35/36 season was our most notable achievement .
29 ‘ Why do you carry such loads on your back ? ’ was our most popular response .
30 He was our most important visitor ever .
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