Example sentences of "was [v-ing] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Palmer arrived I did n't tell him I was caddying for Gary , and I do n't know whether he 'd forgotten or what , but when Gary says to me , ‘ OK , Tip , let's go , ’ Arnold looks at me and says , ‘ What are you doing , Tip ? ’
2 Dave was caddying for Roberto de Vicenzo , who looked as though he could win his second Open , but he hit two great shots and then three-putted the 13th in the third round .
3 Pete Coleman was caddying for Bernhard , and Pete had caddied for Seve , for a time , so he was thinking it was one-up to them .
4 Sir Gordon Parker had one of the regular Royal St. George 's caddies ; Richie was caddying for Sir Bryan .
5 Within a year , in the summer of 1987 , Brannen was competing for Britain in the European Junior Championships .
6 There were so many takes and retakes for angles that the reverse situation was occurring for Nicholson , the actor .
7 But while my heart was aching for Estella , I had no idea that I would soon be hit by a disaster which would completely destroy my hopes and dreams .
8 The absence of Ukraine 's President Leonid Kravchuk , who was pressing for Ukraine to have its own armed forces , caused anger among the delegates .
9 By the autumn of 1933 , he was deputising for Mosley as chief speaker at the largest rallies of the BUF , where the audiences numbered several thousand .
10 Fylde Flyer , on whom Piggott was deputising for Jack Berry 's injured stable-jockey John Carroll , was still lifted home with the old familiar magical rhythm and skill .
11 As he leaped down the stair he was shouting for Farquhar Neas , and whisky to take a foul taste from his mouth .
12 No one was hunting for Randolph Henry Ash , after all .
13 After all , the owner knew I was writing for Harpers & Queen .
14 I know he was looking for Nicola at one stage because he asked if I knew where she 'd gone .
15 He was looking for Brenda Blond .
16 The local cop was called and he was looking for Howie . ’
17 I was looking for Kit-Kat but they did n't have any .
18 ‘ I was n't really looking for you , I was looking for Ronni . ’
19 I was looking for Claudia . ’
20 Er — I heard you was looking for Ron .
21 Guido explained what he 'd told Agnese earlier , that he was looking for Jeff and Silvia .
22 She concentrated on the one with the trousers and said she was looking for George .
23 But Preston found he was scanning the crowd at about the right height for an eight-year-old child , and it was only after a while that he realised he was looking for Uncle Titch .
24 It was unsettling for Dexter to walk the same corridor of frosted glass and fire extinguishers at TV London again .
25 I was saving for Austria — even banked all my birthday money in May .
26 She was searching for Mr Right , and did n't care who knew it .
27 England suffered to some extent from a similar gulf between her real power and her ceremonial status during the Interregnum of 1649 – 60 , a gulf in this case deepened by the widespread hostility aroused by the execution of Charles I. For several years the standing of the representatives abroad of the various Commonwealth governments was seriously weakened by the disappearance of the monarchy : in 1654 , for example , the Danish ambassador in Sweden claimed precedence over his English equivalent since the latter was acting for Cromwell , a mere protector , not for an anointed king .
28 Hall had arrived at Dalston police station about twenty minutes ago and announced that he was acting for Scott .
29 Later that year , when Beltrami was acting for McGuinness in another matter , McGuinness admitted his involvement at Ayr — information that Mr Beltrami was unable to divulge because of the confidentiality of the client-solicitor relationship .
30 I have quite a few contacts — people who knew me when I was designing for Carnega — and they have been very encouraging .
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