Example sentences of "was [v-ing] them [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 They were losing and she knew they were going to lose and their last bloke was coming in and she was cheering them on .
2 She was cheering them on .
3 I do n't know what it is , but it 's different , bringing her up to what it was bringing them up .
4 The swing of the hurricane was bringing them back into the eye of the storm .
5 Peter Davies , Eastbourne 's captain , told his players on the eve of the event that they were stroking the ball well and that they could upset the odds but added he was booking them out of their hotel .
6 We have been starved of second-hand cars because nobody was trading them in for new ones , but this should change that . ’
7 Well as I told you at you used to clip them that damn short and we when I was knocking them off , I had to keep dodging down , let the wag and keep knock clips off and chuck the one side and then the wagons came down They went down the hill like that , and then up here there was a hook line to stop them .
8 Ray was knocking them down one by one , unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down .
9 The soloist was keeping them down .
10 But the congregation was urging them on , and the priest was waiting , and they were borne inwards by the crush of people .
11 One morning there were over 2,000 tadpoles in my pond ( I was bailing them out temporarily because the liner had a leak , so I was counting them too ! ) .
12 That the creature was seeking them out was not in doubt .
13 ‘ She was picking them up at random and saying things like , ‘ This boy 's in a wheelchair but that does n't stop him giving me the eye , ’ or , ‘ This is the college stud but he cuts no ice with me . ’ ’
14 Maybe Jack was rounding them up and moving them to another field .
15 I was n't listening cos I was writing them down .
16 Right , I do n't , I mu , I must say I do n't think I would of won without Karen , she got most of them , I was writing them down most of the time .
17 She could n't hear what was being said , but she saw that three caravans were standing inside the field by the gate and that several rough-looking men were raising their fists and shouting at Farmer Yatton , Angela 's father , who was ordering them out .
18 The jeep was bouncing them about mercilessly as the Brigadier tried to get back to the village in time for the Captain and the Substitute to go back to Florence and eat .
19 Although I do n't think Trevor would of wanted to carry them cos he was pushing them up .
20 They found that the swamp was forcing them back and that they could no longer keep even an erratic southward course but were withdrawing towards the east , away from where they believed the Outlaws ' Camp lay .
21 He was getting them back .
22 As the servant was kicking them out , Mary Godwin entered , and I found myself flushing — partly with the wine , no doubt , but mainly with the agonizing exhilaration of confronting the author of Frankenstein , or The Modern Prometheus .
23 A parent bird was feeding them on … daddy-long-legs ?
24 ‘ I told them my brother could be lying dead somewhere and they said they did n't care and that I was mucking them about , ’ said 18-year-old Joanne , of Stoneleigh , Surrey , yesterday .
25 He had always been accustomed to rely on Fiver and now , when he really needed him , he was letting them down .
26 Later Mr Arbiter — a former radio reporter — said : ‘ The BBC crew wanted to do some filming so I was taking them round .
27 Then later when they started coming home his real concern was counting them in , and it was in this period that these pleasant and very charming visitors frequently wanted to get nearer to the operational scene .
28 I was surprised it to , we well going to this place yesterday er , on the directions we were with Tammy , she was reading them out and we come off the M twenty
29 The population was becoming less markedly English than it had been at the beginning of the century , with a large number of Ulstermen ( who felt the operation of the leasehold system was squeezing them out of land they had conquered and settled in Ireland ) , Scotsmen , and Germans among the settlers .
30 An East African Asian Hindu women told me about a man 's responsibilities ( her husband was carrying them out very successfully , she said ) ‘ I think it is a man 's fault if his wife is backward .
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