Example sentences of "was [v-ing] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Simmons was struggling into a black gown .
2 It took a couple of seconds to sink in , then she was struggling into the boiler suit , using language , under her breath , which would have made treble word scores in Rude Scrabble .
3 ON FRIDAY , November 22 , 1963 , I was tucking into a steak in the Bellevue Arms at Whitewell outside Belfast when the news that shocked the world came on the radio .
4 Betty was so low that she somehow contrived to hurt her finger quite badly with a clove that she was sticking into an onion .
5 He looked at Madra , but she was gazing into the fire and did not see him .
6 Leaning over the glass counter of his booth , the young man in charge was deep in conversation with an elderly gentleman draped with cameras , and she was gazing into the face of quite a different person .
7 And , as he smiled , he was gazing into the eyes of an extraordinarily beautiful dark-haired girl .
8 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
9 The first time she rang the bell and went in through the front doors of the elegant old house where the showrooms were situated ( Mattli had no rear entrance ) Paula felt she was stepping into the place of her dreams .
10 But just as she was stepping into the cab , she clutched me : ‘ I have loved you so much , darling Lily . ’
11 He was admiring the dexterity of a young street orderly , who was darting into the stream of traffic to scoop up the piles of horse-droppings , when he heard the rattle of the door knob .
12 For many nights Nahum lay on his back in the big double bed , knowing Sarah was weeping into the pillow beside him .
13 One of the men was re-emerging into the room , heading across Carson 's lounge .
14 He was fairly certain now that he was walking into a trap , and wished he 'd come armed .
15 I did n't realize that by keeping quiet I was walking into a trap . ’
16 She was walking into the hotel when she heard his car start up .
17 At 3.30 on the 25th , almost the precise moment when Sergeant Kunze was leaping into the moat of Fort Douaumont , de Castelnau was telephoning his conclusions to G.Q.G. Verdun could be saved .
18 ’ He glanced over his shoulder to where Calatin was trumpeting into a red spotted handkerchief .
19 But already the 11.54 was steaming into the station , and Perks was looking in all the windows .
20 Biff was launching into a long , familiar complaint .
21 Howard League for Penal Reform director Frances Crook said Mr Clarke was launching into a ‘ profligate and irresponsible policy which will incite juvenile crime when damaged children emerge from his penal prep-schools ’ .
22 ( b ) That later on the same night , after Zaidie had reached home , the defendant had driven there with another man and confronted him with a gun and had said that he had come to move out Paulette. ( c ) That after that incident , but still in June 1986 , when Zaidie was driving into a friend 's house , the defendant drove up and , saying that he had heard that Zaidie had hit Paulette , again threatened to kill him if he touched her .
23 Twenty minutes later , she was driving into the yard .
24 It was like being in the adit of a mine , and I was driving into the bowels of the earth with a man who seemed hell bent on risking our lives for no apparent reason .
25 She was climbing into a car and the camera had obviously taken her unawares .
26 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
27 It would n't be long , thought Robert grimly , before she , too , was climbing into a large , black linen bag .
28 ‘ O'Neill and O'Donnell crossed here with cannon and horses on the way to Kinsale in one night , ’ he told her as the car was climbing into the low mountains .
29 A moment later he was climbing into the driver 's seat .
30 Inside the shop people were shouting and running about and the supervisor was shouting into the wall telephone .
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