Example sentences of "was [vb pp] between the " in BNC.

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1 Holland 's interpretation was that in the second phase of training an association was formed between the illness produced by the injection and a CS-evoked representation of the food that preceded it .
2 That appeal was heard between the 10th and 19th of July .
3 Smiling to herself , she led the boy across the hall and on up the staircase , then along the galleried landing towards the far end of the corridor and Richard 's room which was situated between the larger room that was Cissie 's and the bright pretty room that was Beth 's and David 's .
4 It meant the horse that was placed between the shaf of a cart , as opposed to the trace-horse which pulled in front of the thiller .
5 A side hole for balloon pressure measurements was placed between the detection electrodes .
6 A football match was arranged between the two groups .
7 Thereafter , a civil war was waged between the re-formed Irish Volunteers ( soon to be known as the IRA ) and the Royal Irish Constabulary ( RIC ) .
8 In reality the system was caught between the stringencies of the Civil War and the burgeoning petty corruption of NEP .
9 As he was held between the conflicting pressures of wind and water , so he was caught between the desire to reach Mariana and offer her comfort and the need to husband his remaining strength — but he knew that the husbanding of his strength was paramount if they were to survive .
10 The road after that was pinched between the river Stour and the bluff on which Richborough Castle stood .
11 Happily by the year end , a match was reported between the Royal Flying Corps and the Club and , although the Corps lost to a Henley scratch team of three ladies and six men , the R.F.C. played a return match the following week .
12 The operation 's precise aims were not clear , however , and by mid-December disagreement was reported between the US administration and the UN Secretary-General over whether the troops ' role was to include disarming hostile factions and pacifying the country , or merely , as the US administration appeared to hold , securing the flow of aid .
13 An agreement was reported between the government and three rebel factions at UN-supervised talks in Nairobi , the Kenyan capital , on Dec. 4 , which would allow for distribution of relief supplies to those affected by war in the south .
14 As the son of a school-inspector and a typical representative of the pre-Soviet intelligentsia , Lenin was torn between the conflicting needs of creating a politically and culturally conscious nation as fast as possible , yet at the same time ensuring that vulgarized , superficial agitation did not become a substitute for thoroughgoing education on a broad base .
15 As he notes in his autobiography , he was torn between the conflicting demands of American and F1 racing : ‘ I recall saying to Peter Revson at the time that I really envied the hell out of him . ’
16 She had also decided to invite Louise and Miriam , whom she wanted to impress with her domestic abilities , but only after a struggle in which she was torn between the pleasure of impressing them and the displeasure of having two more women and thereby disturbing what she considered to be a favourable balance of the sexes .
17 She was torn between the urge to dance around saying ‘ Nah , nah — he did n't come , ’ and an inclination to draw Sam 's head upon her shoulder and stroke her hair soothingly : it was impossible to know which would have maddened Sam more .
18 Gould was torn between the need to preserve his specimens and the desire to keep them a secret .
19 The Left was torn between the pacifists and the dominant group in the Labour Party which urged support for League sanctions .
20 A similar time interval was respected between the intake of the last dose of drug and the endoscopy .
21 Dahl focused upon the making of decisions over which there was an observable conflict of opinion and he studied how that conflict was resolved between the different individuals and groups involved .
22 She was trapped between the car and a hedge .
23 When an electric potential was applied between the central wire and the surrounding block , electron travelled through the space , towards the block .
24 This created a few problems as intense rivalry was felt between the children from the two towns .
25 Again , little , if any , difference was seen between the affinity of NCp7 for the single or double stranded fragment .
26 Healthy twins , however , showed a marginally raised IgG1 cell proportion , but no correlation was seen between the IgG subclass fractions in discordant Crohn 's disease twin pairs .
27 The hydrogen breath test was positive in 20 of 33 ( 66% ) patients and no difference was seen between the patients with and without liver disease ( Table III ) .
28 A similar difference in urinary APGPR excretion postprandially was seen between the normal subjects and MO1 and MO3 and was significant at 15 , 30 , and 45 minutes after the start of the meal ( data not shown ) .
29 Eventually a compromise was adopted between the call championed by Scandinavian and other countries for a permanent ban , and France and Britain 's insistence on their right to dump larger items such as nuclear components of submarines and power stations .
30 Apparently , little distinction was made between the providers and the suspicion of some county councillors was linked with the views of other councillors who held antipathetic attitudes over any non-statutory expenditure on educational provision .
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