Example sentences of "was [vb pp] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 In places the platform loggia was formed of a row of Doric columns , as at Negombo .
2 We have been warning ever since the company was formed of the accident at the heart of the company waiting to happen : now IBM 's signalling of the death of the mainframe coincides with the German economy heading into the same kind of structural — rather than cyclical — recession that is busy laying waste to IBM itself .
3 The outrage was enormous , he was stripped of the captaincy and , although he played in the Tests of that year , his career was over .
4 Capitalist economic relations were established in the countryside through the ‘ enclosures ’ , where land became the private property of landowners and the rural work-force was stripped of the land-use rights that gave them an independent source of subsistence .
5 In September 1907 he was stripped of the captaincy and fined £10 for drunkenness and violent behaviour and in 1910 transferred for a measly £100 to Woolwich Arsenal .
6 Alf himself was stripped of the captaincy and fined £10 in September 1907 for an episode of ‘ drunkenness and violent behaviour ’ .
7 The contracts for the first defence of the title given to Lewis when Riddick Bowe was stripped of the distinction by the WBC were signed by the fighter and his manager , Frank Maloney , in Glasgow yesterday and faxed to Tucker 's handler , Don King , in New York .
8 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
9 But after Acklam Hall and Southall , where serious riots occurred as a direct result of the presence of these bands and their supporters , little more was heard of the new skinhead music .
10 No more was heard of the breed , but more than a century later the Devon was very carefully crossed with Indian zebus to contribute to the creation of hot-climate breeds such as the Jamaica Red , the Bravon , the Makaweli and the Santa Gabriela , and it also helped to improve some of the Japanese breeds .
11 The attempt was abandoned and no more was heard of the alleged dye problem .
12 But strangely , nothing further was heard of the islands for several hundred years until the famous Dutch explorer Willem Barents rediscovered Svalbard in 1596 .
13 After this reign no more was heard of the papal basis for barring appeals to , and litigation at , the Curia .
14 Hence debates had an antiquarian tone : little was heard of the rights of man , a great deal about the rights of the crown of Aragon , of the Councils of Toledo and Leon , of the Goths as founders of liberty .
15 Little was heard of the committee until six months later when Billy asked for another group meeting .
16 An example was given of the type of index entry items that could be supported by the system :
17 The evaluation could also be regarded as being of the summative type , in that information was given of the functioning of a nearly finalized course .
18 No warning was given of the attack on the mailer ; they just did it , with messy consequences .
19 This hundred name petition against the dump concludes that not enough notice was given of the plans .
20 A retrospective analysis was undertaken of the results of the first attempt at in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) treatment to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoking by either partner in events preceding and during oocyte recovery , fertilization , implantation , and early pregnancy in a group of patients undergoing IVF-ET .
21 During the research project into the architectural and archaeological development of the Saxon church of St Mary at Deerhurst , a survey was undertaken of the local parishes and the former Saxon estate of the monastery centred on St Mary 's .
22 A major review was undertaken of the Society 's regulatory functions including practising certificates , accountant 's reports and investment business certificates .
23 A similar case was reported of a left hemispherectomy performed on a 10 year old girl two years after a malignancy had been removed from the left lateral ventricle .
24 According to an early eighteenth-century edition of an early Han source , it was reported of the emperor Wen that he ‘ acquired a drinking cup of jade , on which was carved this inscription : ‘ Master of Mankind , may Thy Life be prolonged to the great delight of this world !
25 The use of the contract army , however , placed the king in the position of debtor to the military captains , most of whom were members of the titled nobility , and the sums owed by the crown to individual nobles might often be very substantial : in 1386 , for instance , the Earl of Northumberland reached agreement with the Exchequer whereby in return for £700 he discharged the king of all debts owing to the earl ‘ from any time past until the making of this indenture ’ , and the earl was discharged of the debts he incurred when he held the office of Admiral .
26 I was reminded of a similar mechanism at Evan Roberts department store which fascinated me as a boy in Cardiff during the early Fifties .
27 Wexford was reminded of a butterfly , fresh and lusty , that has escaped from a dried chrysalis .
28 Zambia was reminded of a line from a childhood poem : the smile on the face of the tiger .
29 One reader was reminded of a more practical book : Florida 's Road Kill Cookbook .
30 One reader was reminded of a more practical book : Florida 's Road Kill Cookbook .
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