Example sentences of "was [vb pp] that it " in BNC.

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1 The programme received financial assistance from UNICEF and it was intended that it should perform three basic tasks :
2 Founded by William of Waynflete in 1484 it was intended that it should act as a feeder to Magdalen College itself , which he also founded .
3 It is quite clear against the background that I have described that it was intended that it should be an exceptional power and that it should be used only when there are no other ways in which the individual applicant may consider the case himself through the planning process .
4 From these figures , it was calculated that it would take some 100 years for the cut and cut-and-burnt sites to attain biomass levels of the original forest , while for the bulldozed forests , it is estimated that 1000 years would be needed .
5 Nothing was new in this White Paper : it was emphasized that it provided an outline of a long-term strategy rather than a programme of rapid action , so it was generally regarded as a due statement of concern and good intentions , and little more .
6 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
7 On being asked what constituted such vulgarity , it was explained that it was because it had ‘ neither vest nor pants to cover his lower limbs ! ’
8 It was explained that it was hoped that they would ‘ befriend ’ a life preparation student for craft sessions , working alongside each other on a variety of projects .
9 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
10 It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals .
11 In the first annual report of the medical superintendent it was reported that it had not been necessary to use the padded cell on any occasion , despite the fact that many patients had been admitted handcuffed , leg iron locked or bound with cords and chains .
12 Full details were not available but it was reported that it would be a balanced budget despite a doubling of general government expenditure to R 24,000,000 million ( about US$16,500 million at the floating rate ) .
13 Until quite recently it was considered that it was the crust that attained equilibrium with respect to the mantle , but it is now known that isostatic adjustments also involve the rigid mantle forming the lower part of the lithosphere .
14 Because of the heavy clay content of the material , it was considered that it could not be compacted enough for the development .
15 It was stressed that it was vitally important for those going to work in other countries to have training in the cross- cultural dimension .
16 Truman was reminded that it was an agreed military estimate that if Indo-China falls , ‘ very likely all of South-East Asia may come under communist domination ’ and , although it might not have seemed a very credible danger , it was pointed out that the Philippines were less than 800 miles from Indo-China .
17 In a letter penned on behalf of the Archbishop of Rouen by a famous stylist , Peter of Blois , Eleanor was reminded that it was a wife 's duty to submit , a reminder backed up by the threat of ecclesiastical sanctions .
18 It was the day after the barbecue and Sara was reminded that it was here yesterday she had met Matthew .
19 By 1893 the club was in trouble financially , but it was resolved that it be ‘ restarted at once ’ .
20 The conference was assured that truly ‘ intelligent ’ machines would come , It was conceded that it might take a few hundred years .
21 One focus of discontent did raise the issue onto a more general level when it was argued that it was the southern origins of the planning officials which.were responsible for their unsympathetic approach to Orkney 's housing preferences .
22 If the growth of administrative adjudication could not be prohibited , it was argued that it must be regularized by integrating it into the ordinary law of the land , thereby ensuring that it develops in harmony with traditional common law principles .
23 It was argued that it unfairly penalized those who worked throughout their lives until their mid-sixties , but were thrown onto the Poor Law before they qualified for the pension .
24 Section 7(1) could be construed as applying to previous enactments , but it was argued that it applied also to subsequent enactments .
25 It was argued that it would never be possible to produce these bitmaps in real time , ie to create each character as and when it was needed from a master outline .
26 It was argued that it allows litigation which would otherwise not be brought , that the lawyers involved act more conscientiously on behalf of their client because of the mutual financial interests , and that it is a simpler method of payment .
27 It was argued that it would be undesirable to open up the possibility of private prosecution , and that the sensitivity of the area was such that it was imperative that prosecution policy be consistent .
28 In some cases setting was criticized because it was argued that it was producing underachievement in certain pupils , although many teachers did not accept this .
29 It was held that there was a clear infringement of the Compaq trade mark , although it was accepted that it was arguable whether it should have been accepted for registration because of its phonetic similarity with " Compact " , an everyday word .
30 According to reliable sources , the Tate Gallery greeted the expansion of the Saatchi Collection with a mixture of relief and complacency : it was felt that it would inevitably , one day , be bequeathed to the nation , and since that was so , the underfunded Tate Gallery need not bother to acquire major work in the same area as the Saatchis .
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