Example sentences of "was [adv] like [det] " in BNC.

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1 The constitution was remarkably like that of the European Community , with a Council of Ministers and a directly elected assembly .
2 Two men , Supervisor D. Narey and his pal Arnold Illingworth , say the smell was remarkably like that of a steam engine .
3 Our relation ship was rather like that of a father and child .
4 Powell noticed , as others have , that he preferred to keep conversation to light topics — his manner was rather like that of a headmaster talking to the more intelligent boys .
5 It was rather like that strange spirit that hovered over the Wilson family when they were contemplating an evening out and told them where they ought to eat , and it had something in common with whatever it was that told the entire Liverpool football stadium to sing ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ at the same moment .
6 Manchester City ! ’ he said , continuing the chant which was so like those I had heard at Manchester 's Maine Road ground that I marvelled when he said he had never been to England .
7 It was all like that . ’
8 I was only like that .
9 She was only like this in response to Lear 's perverted claim : the rest of the play shows that there is no one more loving .
10 My own experience was much like that described by Gregg Blachford :
11 Orwell 's simplicity was much like that parent-figure : it can suddenly look more complicated , and more assumed , than one had at first supposed .
12 This distribution was much like that of the 1880s : the reliance on the counties , the growth of suburban strength , and the lack of strong local roots in the industrial areas were all traditional features .
13 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
14 The ‘ Ritz Bedroom ’ , for example , ‘ so named by the Ashleys because the bath in the adjoining bathroom was exactly like those in their favourite hotel , the Paris Ritz ’ , was furnished with some choice pieces of Louis XV vintage .
15 Aw , c'm on , it was just like that in Australia not long ago : one of the wire services reports in a condescending way that under local law , the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil recognises only the principle of priority in brand names , so that companies like IBM Corp , Xerox Corp and Sony Corp have had to ‘ buy back ’ their names before they could do business under them in Brazil ; the US is pressing Brazil to change the law to protect internationally recognised brand names — but it is not so long ago that , legend has it , an enterprising travelling Australian spotted that car hire was becoming big business , so when he got home , he registered the names Hertz and Avis , sold the Hertz name back to the company when it wanted to set up in Australia — and then used the cash he got from Hertz to set up the Avis concession in Australia .
16 Yes but it was , it was just like that when one went to school .
17 Constance had reassured them , or so she hoped : she had tried to alleviate their suspicions by explaining that Barbs was just like that .
18 It 's puppyfat , it 's just a phase , Madeleine had hummed to her unhelpfully : I was just like that at your age .
19 Right , loading Windows , and it was just like that eh ?
20 I tell you a ou I said today when I was in school cos that 's like being at home with my three year old , it was just like that today being stuck in there !
21 it was just like that .
22 we had our alarm ooh after five , William called us just in case we laid late , so we was on the move ten , ten past five , so I mean we 've been on the go perhaps two hours more than anybody else and eh , and then cos when , it was just like that , but it was down here now I thought to went to that down on his and a little
23 I mean I went to a boarding school before I came here that was just like that but , but it was more like , I do n't know , the guys there , I had more friends that were boys than friends with the girls , yeah
24 He was just like all the others .
25 Erm I du n no , it was one of these er documentary type things and it was just like all organized crime , they were just erm
26 If this was true , any piece of DNA was just like any other piece , whereas every gene must be different from every other one .
27 I thought it was just like any other party .
28 The place was just like any ale-house or tavern in Southwark with its dirt-beaten floor and ramshackle tables , filled with traders and peasants eager to spend the profits of market day .
29 She knew it was snobbish , that she was just like any other package holiday-maker .
30 It was just like this !
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