Example sentences of "was [adv] [vb pp] away " in BNC.

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1 Blyth had lots of time to realise what was happening , jumping about the Snake Park screaming as the frantic and enraged snake bit his stump repeatedly , and little Esmerelda must have had some inkling what was going to happen to her as she was slowly blown away .
2 At the beginning , Crawford 's character , George , was given grey hair underneath a dark spray , which was slowly wiped away .
3 The trooper in attendance kept pace , but his head was mostly turned away from his charge while he studied the occasional stands of trees or searched the landscape for hidden folds from which an ambush might be mounted .
4 She was mostly turned away from him ; he could just see the curve of her cheek , the line of her nose , and as he watched she put her head down very slightly .
5 It was offered for sale at £13,500 , but was eventually leased away as a small factory , which it remains .
6 United still piling men forward winning everything in mid-field , and in the sixteenth minute Les Phillips clearing the box , he tried to square the ball back , but a great scramble ensued in the Charlton goalmouth , goalkeeper Bolder was injured , he recovered and the ball was eventually hacked away .
7 he was so carried away with Newley that I believe quite unconsciously , Newley crept into Bowie 's voice and , as you know , he 's been accused of copying Tony Newley , but I do n't think he was really aware of what he was doing at that time .
8 The Vicar then took the text for his sermon from the second lesson , ‘ God loveth a cheerful giver ’ , and was so carried away by his own rhetoric that he absent-mindedly helped himself to most of the grapes hanging down from the top of the pulpit .
9 I was so carried away by the wisdom of my hon. Friend 's question that I found it necessary to repeat it .
10 We got to the water and put him out but he had virtually no clothing left on his back , it was all burnt away . ’
11 In another case Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro , a well-known and respected archaeologist at the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome , wrote that during restoration work on Wiligelmo 's reliefs at Modena , the original polychrome was brutally scratched away ; when Raffaella Rossi Manaresi of Bologna 's Cesare Gnudi open-air sculpture conservation centre ventured to reply , she was virtually told that , as a chemist , she should keep to her own field .
12 Just after replacing the injured Danny Wallace in the 37th minute , Robson met a cross from 18-year-old Ryan Giggs but his fierce shot from 14 yards was brilliantly turned away by Podshivalov .
13 The square was gently raised away from the face .
14 In his notable achievement , Gavin discovered that apart from surface tension ( already known ) other components were also responsible for the remarkable adhesion , namely viscosity in wet adhesion , and that each pad was gently peeled away when movement occured .
15 Thesiger LJ said that arbitrators incurred " enormous " expense in calling witnesses , " which was entirely thrown away , for as soon as the arbitrators saw the property they knew at once what ought to be done " .
16 Rain fell heavily ; the plain they were crossing became inundated ; the policeman 's Scotch terrier was suddenly carried away and drowned in a swollen torrent .
17 A day was thus taken away from February and transferred to August .
18 So popular government was more or less firmly established from 461 BC until it was finally swept away by the Macedonian conquerors in 322 BC , to be replaced by the kind of restricted franchise which its opponents had always preferred .
19 As the hand was finally pulled away , flesh stuck to the ring as if welded there by the heat .
20 The man who kept dozens of armed police at bay for more than 11 hours , was finally driven away in the early afternoon .
21 Come the warm weather , all Ray could find on the pond walls was a fine , powdery , dark green algae which was easily vacuumed away .
22 Actually , this was easily explained away by my insistence on regular partial water changes ( my pond having a guzzling bottom drain to waste ) .
23 Their lack of baggage was easily explained away by his tale of robbery , as was his wound .
24 Cormac 's hospitality was famous , and no one was ever turned away .
25 Travellers and pilgrims and men of unknown cultures and religions would be there , for no one was ever turned away , and every creature was welcomed and given food and shelter and his story listened to .
26 A greyhound cocked his leg against the table and was promptly shooed away .
27 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
28 He was still turned away , his back as braced as a victim at a flogging stake .
29 Although it was amongst the women 's glossies as promised , it was still tucked away in a corner with only its spine showing .
30 Muffled and tied , he was quickly shepherded away .
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