Example sentences of "was [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pendero was off the day I was riding him , that 's what matters .
2 And and er Katie was off the day before with something and just managed to get to school that day .
3 Before Mr Townsend was off the life support machine 3 men were in custody .
4 I thought she was off the case as well . ’
5 Bob Hope was off the scale altogether and Peter O'Toole was worse than the whole lot put together .
6 I , I erm , I was off the west co er on a holiday to the west coast of Ireland and we erm we 're driving down the west coast and there was like some rocks and everything about , so we stopped and , you know , I looked by a rock pools or something , and there 's this and the rock pool is like mini-swimming baths , they were , you know , probably
7 After Mironov and Chapman had twice exchanged penalties in the first half , Chapman 's smart 30-yard dropped goal five minutes after the break put Cornwall ahead for the first time while Mishakov was off the field with a shoulder injury .
8 Keown , an important part of Everton 's defence , was off the field for treatment to an eye injury when Gayle 's long ball enabled the veteran Cork to score his first goal for United since his move from Wimbledon .
9 DeFreitas and Lewis were struggling with muscle stiffness , Smith and Stewart were in the wars from close fielding , and Reeve , picked ahead of the extra batsman Ramprakash for just such a position , was off the field all day with food poisoning .
10 Those Lions tries came when Peter Wright was off the field under the bleeding-wound treatment rule .
11 Those Lions tries came when Peter Wright was off the field under the bleeding-wound treatment rule .
12 Up to this point as I said Leeds had been on top — this included a period when Hodge was off the field after colliding with a Crewe player and injuring his wrist , thus Leeds were down to ten men .
13 He was off the field throughout the second day having treatment for a pulled thigh muscle , but said today : ‘ I have not felt the injury at all when batting and it is much better . ’
14 The bolt was on the door and the top was off the bottle of Old Bedwetter that I generally reserve for moments such as these .
15 COPIOUS helpings of greens were available but Nescafe was off the menu on Wednesday at the first Caroline Walker awards ceremony , in memory of the campaigning nutritionist who died aged 38 last year .
16 Being a human zoo was acceptable , provided the Indian accent was off the menu .
17 ( I got very adept at ‘ Swiss darning ’ and picking up dropped stitches with a latch tool when the garment was off the machine . )
18 She also picked a shiny rayon for the yarn after dropping stitches right left and centre and making several false starts , I studied the pattern and taught myself how to latch up and darn in ( when the work was off the machine ) so that my ‘ botching ’ did not show .
19 Oh it was off the machine ?
20 Patients sent to the lunatic asylum , which was off the Ampthill Road , were charged at a weekly rate to the directors according to the numbers ; in 1818 for example , the cost was £18.12s. , but two years later , £78 .
21 Norfolk , of course , was off the map — but all the same …
22 For a large part of 1975 a major transmitter in Zambia 's Copperbelt was off the air because of the lengthy procedures involved in the purchase of a small spare part .
23 Larry 's hospital drama was off the air in six weeks .
24 Making lunch for Lucy and Francis , giving her lifts here and there when her car was off the road , calling her just to see how she was , ordering her home when she looked exhausted , plying her with remedies if she had a cold , rubbing her back if she was tense .
25 The tunnelling that the Frenchman was paid — and handsomely — to supervise was off the road to Arbil , close to the village of Salahuddin , due north of Baghdad .
26 Soon she was off the road , clambering over the hummocks of Starr Hills .
27 He was off the road on a forest track , little-used and thick with dead leaves , and he was watching the failing light through the branches of the trees overhead .
28 When this system was used the clipping and storing of the fleeces were completed while the sun was off the yard .
29 He lay with her for a little while as if all had been for the best and when , with a sudden , slithering movement , she was off the bed and into her dress , he thanked her , wished her good night .
30 In a moment , he was off the bed , whipping off his belt and slipping down his trousers .
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