Example sentences of "is right [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Reid said : ‘ As far as I am concerned it is no big deal that I am coming back — I simply feel the time is right for me .
2 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
3 But Yanek said , " I have thought about it , Grandfather , and I think it is right for me to go . "
4 I think it is right for me to receive the report and then to examine it .
5 If it 's Derry or somewhere else I do n't mind as long as the move is right for me .
6 He may even live the kind of life he does not really like simply because he feels that because everyone else is so much wiser than he is they must know best about what is right for him .
7 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
8 In this year , the 25th anniversary of Shelter , does the Minister agree that the time is right for him to give effect to the Prime Minister 's boast in his letter of support to Shelter that the Government would employ public expenditure where necessary ?
9 Some are interested in becoming teachers , and use the scheme to help them decide whether teaching is right for them .
10 As time goes by children will respond to the consistency of the lesson and come to believe that this is right for them ; the lesson is internalised .
11 But how do you decide what is right for them and you ?
12 With the availability of different types of religion increasing , there is more choice and people can find what is right for them .
13 In Britain I do n't think the time is right for it .
14 Which barrow is right for you ? ( left to right ) Hozelock Ballbarrow , Wickes Builders Barrow , Corrie Garden Buggy , Bosmere Boscart
15 If you are one of those women who feels guilty about the marriage/home/work situation , sit down and decide what is right for you and those closest to you .
16 If you 've got £500 or more to save , but still require instant access , a Barclays Higher Rate Deposit Account is right for you .
17 If you would like some help to decide which account is right for you , talk to one of our Personal Bankers .
18 There is no correct answer — you must simply do what you feel is right for you and your pet .
19 Trust that whatever happens is right for you , rather than wanting the experience to conform to your expectations .
20 Try out different ones until you find which is right for you .
21 Only you can know what is right for you — so only you can make the final decision .
22 Firstly , we want you to book the holiday that is right for you .
23 You decide on the amount of cover , and the balance between protection and investment that is right for you .
24 Again , there is nothing wrong with it except that it is " do as I say " and not " let's find out what is right for you " .
25 To decide which one is right for you , you have to consider more than just the job you do .
26 She took him by the hands and said eagerly , ‘ Don — we could live here — it is right for us — would you like that , Don ? ’
27 ‘ Having seen him about six times , and having spoken to most of their leaders , I believe that the time is right for us to talk to them now , to end this whole conflict once and for all .
28 I 'm sorry , Sam ; I can see that I 'm either too early or too late with this , but the time is right for us .
29 ‘ We have saved money for resources , but we dare n't use it , because there is nothing that is right for us .
30 Although I accept that it is right for us to do that , a counterbalance should be a more effective way of scrutinising affirmative and negative orders .
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