Example sentences of "is where they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps indeed , he suggests , this is where they came from , born through outer space from some other planet , in some other star system .
2 ‘ Over there is where they killed Lord — , nearly a hundred years ago .
3 This is where they make their most stable contact .
4 Yes it is and they have you know most of their own own brands which is where they make their money obviously .
5 I think where people are more at risk is where they 've gone for TESSAs in th er you know that 's the tax-exempt savings plan , and they 've chased the rate through the papers you know the erm and they see that the s the Wolverhampton Building Society or the Tipton and
6 South Milford Parish Council whilst being totally opposed to the scheme decided in the best interests of their residents to make the following observations to County , and that is where they 've built in the safeguards but they are totally opposed to the scheme .
7 Here is where they put you when you 've got nowhere else to go .
8 " Why should I , if this is where they put you ?
9 a wind tunnel is where they put this , put the car in stands and they blow air at it , and they little smoke trails that show how the air travels over the car .
10 People put it off and that is where they get in the trouble .
11 They live in nests below ground where they are safe from sand lizards and insectivorous birds and that is where they stay during the mornings .
12 I have not , but my sister worked in a hotel there for a time — that is where they met — and she says it is very remarkable . ’
13 Ghorbanifar : Here is where they have to pay us .
14 All the hearty citizens of this city who can walk are at the Citadel , because that is where they have locked up the food , and are distributing it .
15 The next compartment is where they have ten tons of coal in er bunkers .
16 Where you do need to include them is where they have an interface with the rest of the organisation and where they 're keeping records of things for the rest of the information .
17 ‘ This is where they herd the humans , girl , ’ I said to myself .
18 Oh yes , his cha yes the the size changed , I corrected the size on it , alright , your two or three feet is where they corrected and my pencil figure is the correct figure in those cases .
19 This is where they leave you while your existence is hacked from the memory of the former life .
20 One is where they pay in escalating or level , the other , what else affects the allocation ?
21 ‘ It must have been in the forest — ’ Joan said dreamily ‘ — because that is where they found him next day .
22 Interestingly , the design requirements of eyes on the side of your head , which is where they need to be for all-round vision , plus the need for excellent binocular vision , leads to the cutaway snout or long face , such as we find in many rodents , including squirrels ( see Figure 4.3 ) .
23 286 users will have no chance to use it , and will have to be content with Windows over DOS if the GUI is where they want to be .
24 Mr Ensoll and his wife , Daphne , live in Blackwell Lane in the town and after five years in the area , they are sure the North-East is where they want to spend their retirement .
25 Forest Goblin tribes have totem poles depicting Gork , Mork and the Spider , and this is where they meet before marching to raid a human farmstead or burn some woodcutter 's house .
26 You could enjoy a week in a Center Parc ( this is where they started ) , or pursue the more cultural charms of Breughel and Delft pottery .
27 And the that is where they started their married life .
28 Now actually , they do themselves down , because this is where they started , you see , can you talk about this one ?
29 This is where they do such good , where they really make a visit worth while and where they learn what ordinary people think , need and feel .
30 Many of the meats in this category may not immediately be labelled as sausages in your mind , but this is where they fit in the standard delicatessen classification .
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