Example sentences of "is so [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the factory food we eat is so tasteless that in desperation people reach for the brown sauce , tomato ketchup or pickles to perk it up .
2 Hollywood vs America is a thought-provoking polemic , but Medved 's use of material is so selective that he 's in danger of undermining his own credibility .
3 The resulting exposition is so authoritative that practitioners and the courts departed from it only rarely unless subsequent developments made this necessary .
4 They are highly social , congregating in groups as large as 500 , and the bonding between members of the herd is so strong that if a pilot or lead whale beaches itself , the rest of the herd will often follow , creating a mass stranding .
5 It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite .
6 Mrs Prentiss , the wife of the American consul in St Pierre wrote a letter home : ‘ The smell of sulphur is so strong that horses in the street stop and snort , and some of them drop in their harness and die of suffocation .
7 At the start of the contact the need to be stroked is so strong that it suppresses their fear .
8 The increased order is so strong that no neuro-electric message can fight it — a special EM field has to be applied .
9 But the bonding between an infant and his or her family is so strong that within a few days , as in the case of Marie and her partner Peter , you are convinced you know your own baby from any other in the world .
10 The specificity of cognitive accounts of particular ages is so strong that feminist psychologists have not really managed to make links between them or across them .
11 The feeling and atmosphere to ( sic ) the place is so strong that you can almost breathe it in . ’
12 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
13 Indeed , some have argued that the ‘ traditionalism of his general philosophy is so strong that it virtually disables him from that critical rationalism which is essential for the appraisal of particular traditions ’ .
14 Friendship between domestic horses is well known , and the need for attachment is so strong that lone horses will become firm friends with cows , goats , pigs and even people .
15 This expectation is so strong that most congregations are prepared to spend huge sums for the provision and maintenance of an instrument which is , in many cases , the single most valuable asset in the building .
16 His desire to have me visit him is so strong that charity will not let me refuse .
17 An example of this in the classical theory of general relativity is provided by a black hole , which is a region of space-time in which the gravitational field is so strong that any light or other signal is dragged back into the region and can not escape to the outside world .
18 Gravity is so strong that space is bent round onto itself , making it rather like the surface of the earth .
19 Normally , the energy of the particle is still positive , but the gravitational field inside a black hole is so strong that even a real particle can have negative energy there .
20 That did n't help the Black Destroyer , certainly , but it died because I made a mistake , and my power is so strong that when it goes wrong , which is seldom but not never , even those things I have invested with great protective power become vulnerable .
21 Moreover , the strength of the kink is so low that it will often fail when the glider is only just off the ground .
22 For many older people , income is so low that they have to claim additional means-tested benefits such as income support , housing benefit and community charge ( poll tax ) benefit .
23 However , the number of people who return to education once they have left school or college is so low that the age of finishing full-time education is often used as a simple indicator .
24 We soon reach Hungerford and Rob 's bridge which is so low that he usually gets cramp from bending flat on the boat .
25 The lintel is so low that the only man who can enter is the man who is down on his knees .
26 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
27 Life expectancy is so low that the average life span of men just before we got here ( in the last quarter of the seventeenth century ) was 29.6 years .
28 The Cross is descending in the south-west , followed by the Pointers ; Canopus is so low that it will probably not be seen , and from parts of Australia and South Africa it actually sets .
29 On the one hand the state is reluctant to make them better off than the ‘ good ’ housewife , married and ‘ supported ’ by her husband ( the exact amount of ‘ support ’ decided by him alone ) ; on the other hand , of course , the status of the married housewife is so low that virtually anything going to the single mother makes her better off .
30 Now gradually the energy level is so low that the in although the insulin level is there , there 's no sugar for it to work with , so now your casualty will start showing signs of too little sugar .
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