Example sentences of "is not [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 It is not even just about control of the region 's oil resources , although that is a significant factor .
2 Touch legering is not simply just a good idea because it is a sensitive way of detecting bites ; it can also be extremely useful when the fish need slack line after mouthing the bait .
3 As Box puts it , a person accused of stabbing someone is not likely just to be charged with ‘ carrying an offensive weapon ’ .
4 The problem is not necessarily just the massive increase in numbers of walkers and climbers , but the fact that people are daily dreaming up new and more ridiculous things to do on the hills for fun .
5 The SN9000 is likely to cost a lot more than the SN8000 , so the latter is not necessarily just a transitional product .
6 And that nost that is not necessarily just based within the U K.
7 Although covert , sabotage is not necessarily just an individual response .
8 … the cliché is not necessarily just something banal , in the sense that it occurs frequently , though it is that too : a cliché is a convenient falsification .
9 Will he provide encouragement so that those schemes teach young people , particularly from inner-city areas , that the beauty of rural areas such as parts of my constituency is not necessarily just given by the good Lord , but often is created by man , because of the traditional and excellent pursuits of hunting and shooting ?
10 But his own plan for cutting the deficit is not only just as tax-heavy , but riddled with vagueness , like a huge $141 billion annual saving through unspecified ‘ health-care cost containment ’ .
11 The state of cleanliness is not therefore just a problem for the cleaning staff .
12 It is not enough just to provide the equipment and the opportunities ; the relaxed and warm feeling must be created between adult and child that will help them both to enjoy making discoveries together .
13 In many cases when creating this effect , it is not enough just to tie a bow in a piece of ribbon , and you may have to actually create a bow from a piece of material in order to produce the right effect .
14 Not all the personal pronouns in the Sonnets , of course , are significant of personal relationships , and for this reason it is not enough just to tot up the figures in a computer-made concordance .
15 It is not enough just to have a common foreign policy .
16 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
17 It is not enough just to have that prioritised list .
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