Example sentences of "is for them [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather it is for them a process of , existence that has to be daily achieved by individuals through work , that is through the individual mastery over emotions and the skills of wizardry .
2 The Japanese are being made to suffer what is for them a serious loss of face in having to pull the plug on the fifteen-month-old Massachusetts-based operation set up to build and sell Intel i860 boxes under a five-year commitment to the project .
3 We may thus argue that /a/ functions for women as a network marker to a greater extent than it does for men ; by this we mean that there is for them a higher correlation between choice of variant and network structure , a tendency to select relatively backed variants being associated with higher levels of integration into the community .
4 Maybe when they come to perform to each other that is for them a time for evaluation and assessment , and I consciously make it one , because it 's important when they produce , when they perform their music they really bare their souls .
5 Classical Greece is for them the ‘ prime historical example of the transition to a really literate society ’ without the interference of ‘ other cultural features imported from the loan country along with the writing system .
6 Morality , for religious people , is not something invented by people to keep community life sweet ; it is for them an obligation arising out of the nature of the way things are .
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