Example sentences of "is that the british " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most audacious thing about this exhibition is that the British Museum should have countenanced it at all .
2 While the idea of preserving the total literary output of a nation is the ideal to be aimed at — an ideal relied upon by those who discard gleefully — the fact is that the British Library does not have a copy of every book .
3 The second is that the British colonial rulers did not genuinely believe in independent , publicly owned public service broadcasting because when in government they made sure that they had full control and tolerated the idea of a corporation only when their rule was coming to an end .
4 It is interesting that if you ask where it is that the British Heart Foundation and the Imperial Cancer Relief Fund get most of their money from , it is not like other charities from donations , but it is from legacies .
5 What is important is that the British coal industry should achieve contracts with the generators in the next round of contracts due to start in April 1993 .
6 The first is that the British coal industry will be decimated in the near future ; the second is that the present Conservative Government are actively working to achieve such a decline , together with the substantial job losses that accompany pit closures .
7 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
8 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
9 Er but the truth of the matter is that the British government would not .
10 My Lords , the influence behind the Noble Lord 's amendment is that the British Transport Police will not have the full jurisdiction on Rail Track property .
11 Certainly , on my visits to exhibitions , such as at the Royal Academy , my impression is that the British public much prefers the older works , as it were .
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