Example sentences of "is that [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 The reason is that after the first attempts had been made , some types , such as C , D and E , were found to be unnecessary .
2 What most people think is extraordinary is that after the government and Roosevelt came out with this thing , it would have been a perfectly human reaction of my father 's to say , well the hell with it , I wo n't give it to the nation if they 're going to accuse me of fraud .
3 A better version of reality is that although the quality of ‘ capture ’ has tremendous semantic significance for both uniform policeman and detective , it rarely leads to large numbers of detections for the monthly , quarterly , or annual reports .
4 The sad fact is that although the ostensible reason for the dolphin kills was that dolphins were stealing and eating the commercial fish species , examination of their stomach contents showed that only the false killer whales were actually feeding on yellowtail .
5 As regards the patient already dead , the reasoning is that although the patient displays outward manifestations of life , in that , by virtue of the ventilator , breathing and heartbeat are maintained , these manifestations are mechanically induced and are not sustained nor will ever again be sustainable by the patient .
6 One problem is that although the phenomenon of acid rain is not in doubt the actual cause has not been firmly established .
7 The most striking thing about these changes , however , is that although the problems which confronted the inquiries were broadly similar , the solutions which came to be offered differed in marked respects .
8 ‘ Our concept is that although the building may need to be upgraded and restored , the inside is the most important factor .
9 My contention is that although the colonial legal system was influenced by culture conflict at the beginning of British rule , it was soon adapted and accepted as an integral social institution by the mass of the people .
10 What is not realized … is that although the movement from the cities has many other long-term causes , delinquency has now ceased to be merely a symptom of urban breakdown ( if it ever was ) … and has become a major contributor to it . ’
11 But the really crucial point is that although the strong international position of UK services reflected comparative advantage , it was comparative advantage in a low productivity growth sector .
12 One consequence of this is that although the observations suggest that the cloud was centred on the Equator , the model simulates a cloud at about 10°N , because it does not allow for rapid transport of the cloud into the tropics and Southern Hemisphere .
13 Meanwhile the problem for the health service is that although the health authority sits on the policy group and is a coauthor of the community care plan , the work gets done — and the problems arise — in provider units .
14 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
15 The other major point is that although the audit of a nationalized industry is set up , and therefore presumably carried out as if it were an audit of a PLC , this does not mean that it will always be so .
16 The problem is that although the beliefs and feelings are " always concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence " — which does suggest or give opportunity for something which is not just subjective in interpretation — it tends to subsume the religious view of life under what we might call a humanist umbrella .
17 The reason is that although the algae need carbon to create their skeletons , they extract this from bicarbonate in sea water , not from carbon dioxide .
18 The basic difficulty is that although the vendor is usually the employer and owns the assets used in the business being sold , the right to conduct the business is not his to transfer .
19 However , the problem is that although the difference may be marked , it is difficult to say exactly what it is .
20 The currently fashionable and oft repeated litany is that although the world air transport industry is presently going through a fundamental and painful period of change , this will ultimately lead to a new and improved deployment of resources , through the creation of far fewer but infinitely larger air carriers .
21 The difference is that whereas the policeman is justified in acting as he does , the citizen is merely excused from criminal liability on the grounds that he lacks mens rea .
22 One relevant difference is that whereas the Renaissance aspiration to assimilate Rome was realizable , no analogous aspiration was possible for Germany vis-a-vis Greece .
23 The problem is that since the NEP was first put forward the nature of the game has undergone considerable changes .
24 The response is that since the words relate to the past , later debts are not included .
25 One perplexing feature of this conclusion is that since the late nineteenth century far fewer children with right hemisphere lesions are aphasic .
26 The first point to note is that since the weights are revised every January , the index for April 1985 is calculated first of all using January 1985 as the base period .
27 The advantage of this is that since the signal position remains the same the signal too is unchanged .
28 The evidence is that since the thirties women have begun to stand for political positions in their own right but progress has been slow .
29 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
30 front runner erm but I mean er all I know about from the NUPE point of view is that since the kind of can we call it , semi , semi de-recognition ?
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