Example sentences of "is to [be] leave " in BNC.

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1 The independent contractor is one who has agreed to do a piece of work , but is to be left free to choose his own method of doing it .
2 All I ask is to be left to get on with my work , and enough support to make it possible .
3 The last thing the retailer wants is to be left with a lot of stock that does n't sell .
4 All they need now is to be left alone .
5 It is essential to use proper secure fittings especially if the unit is to be left unattended .
6 Who said ‘ all I desire is to be left alone ’ ?
7 One thing which will prove very disconcerting for a young puppy is to be left on its own in kennels after being in a home for just a few weeks .
8 ‘ If corn etc. continuing at the high price 't is now , 't is to be left in the breast of the churchwardens and overseers to advance what they think proper — if corn etc. falls during the year no deductions to take place … ’
9 Since I accept his primary submission I do not find it necessary to consider his other options , but I observe that in every case they would involve the court in a far more creative exercise in framing the law , which I doubt we would be entitled to undertake , than by holding as I would do that a corporate public authority has no right to sue for the tort of defamation and is to be left , if necessary , to such other rights as it may have , in particular the right to sue for malicious falsehood .
10 Some writers appear still to feel that the criterion remains one of recognition by the government of this country , the difference being that , whereas before 1980 the government would say expressly whether it recognised the foreign government , now it is to be left to be ascertained as a matter of inference : see Professor J. Crawford ‘ Decisions of British Courts during 1985–86 involving questions of Public or Private International Law ’ ( 1986 ) 57 B.Y .
11 This decision is to be left to the governors of the school , but the Department of Education and Science is recommending as wide a definition as possible , to include legal guardians , foster parents and the head of a children 's home when the child is in care .
12 Perhaps you can assist me too by pointing out to your companion that Ana is to be left alone and not inveigled into — friendship .
13 THE future of the Cairngorms , one of Scotland 's most fragile mountain environments , is to be left in the balance after the failure of a Scottish Office advisory group to reach agreement .
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