Example sentences of "was [adv] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't cover a great deal of the M one but it 's something like fourteen miles but that was about the time of the miners ' strike as well so I was on traffic when that was on and we had these intercept boys who were working something like thirteen hour shifts for about a year .
2 Once we had a little girl staying when Frost On Sunday was on and she asked Miles : ‘ Are there two Davids ? ’
3 The television above was on and she watched casually an advert .
4 The rocket motor was on and you were speeding up — you were accelerating , and you thought it was gravity because there was no way to tell them apart . ’
5 In his own house the curtains were open , the light was on and he could see a young girl with a pigtail , seated at the piano .
6 he 's dead funny right , cos he was on and he 's , and some , some match was on he 's , in his er , he said there 's my son in the crowd and this kid had his finger up his nose , picking his nose
7 the Beverley sisters were on and they said they used to wear very daring clothes and the B B C banned them from showing their navels , cos you 're not supposed to show your navel on television and you could n't say the word , oh yeah Lonnie Donegan was on and he said that he was banned from singing this song er in eighty forty was such a little drip and in it he says we beat the bloody British and they would n't let him sing that because he swore so he had to sing we beat the ruddy British
8 ‘ Yes , but that means — if that desk light was on and I got up and started to accelerate towards it , the light goes blue .
9 ‘ I saw your light was on and I thought you ought to know .
10 The lights were off in the living-room , but the television was on and I was amused to see a little bluish-grey man talking seriously to the empty armchairs .
11 Well I was out there watering at time scares was on and I had this letter and planes did come over and I laid me ho hosepipe down , I mean you know so he would n't be able
12 The war was on and it had to be won before life could become normal again .
13 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
14 Andy Payton 's 46th minute goal was enough and it certainly lifted the morale of Celtic .
15 That second night in the porch was enough and I resolved to move on the following day , whatever happened .
16 and the state he was in and they did n't want to know did they ?
17 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
18 Richard opened slowly and then the cock was in and he could see only Martin 's glistening blond hair between his legs .
19 If you have n't guessed , the last time he was in was in and he does n't trust folk to actually select Parliamentary candidates .
20 well he was in and he never wrote anything down and he got a fucking queen 's thingie after a year put him out
21 This is the first time we 've had to do this interceptor cos I did n't even know it was in and I do n't think Dick did .
22 Then suddenly I get a call saying , ‘ We are going on the road , ’ so I was in and it was fantastic .
23 So then I saw Mrs Irwin on Tuesday when I was in and she came up with all sorts of things that she would like for the new development .
24 Now he was down and he hated it .
25 At the entrance to the Press tent I asked the security man if Toby was inside and he pointed him out in the middle of the usual muddle of desks and papers , with telephones ringing and cigarette smoke drifting , and expletives exploding .
26 or his father , was inside and he got and he got his MP on the job
27 The next moment he was inside and she was closing the door behind him , then leading him along the narrow hallway towards the living-room .
28 ‘ It was 11pm and we were watching television .
29 I do n't really understand it but the the apprentice went down in the pit of course and the older man was above and they worked this saw all this sawdust was coming
30 All too soon it was over and we left feeling we had just scratched the surface of this fascinating Republic .
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