Example sentences of "was [adv] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 And you used to put eight to a stook , that was so it would dry out , you see ?
2 Where this was so it will be discussed , together with other comments , in the brief ‘ case descriptions ’ attached at the end of each of the chapters that follow .
3 that 's right , that 's , that , I think it was so , I mean that she was so it must be just something to do with gardens as well , cos she was a gardener was n't she ? ,
4 One thrust of the surgeon 's knife — that was all it would take .
5 One good slap across that sweating face , she thought , that was all it would take to send the little s.o.b .
6 Bald information was all it could be : the statement of a fact , far beyond parental agreement or approval .
7 While I was away it must have rained .
8 If a motion was suggested for reducing the team 's innings by five runs every time a player was out it would encourage the taking of wickets , which would in turn reduce the role of the leg stump ‘ spinner ’ and medium pace ‘ dobber ’ , place greater emphasis on attacking fields , potentially creating more runs — particularly boundaries — for the batsmen and recreating the ‘ traditions ’ of one-day cricket .
9 The increase in the number of prosecutions did not result , however , in a feeling of sympathy for homosexuals , but rather the feeling , as John Wolfenden expressed it , that ‘ nobody had any idea how much of it there was … but there was an impression that it was increasing ; and there was a feeling that if it was then it ought to be curbed ’ .
10 In radio productions I was constantly aware of our listeners ' reactions ; in the consideration of any idea for a show , my first concern was how it would be received in the homes of listeners , nationwide — and , say what you will , I still believe this is the first requisite of Good Showmanship .
11 It had all happened one Sunday morning when an old man in London decided that that was how it would be .
12 But she did not guess this was how it would be on her first morning .
13 That was how it should be .
14 This was how it should be between ex-lovers meeting again , just normal , no animosity .
15 What they did not profess to understand was how it could be terminated .
16 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
17 If the ferry boat was there it would be quicker , if not she would have lost precious time by not taking the direct path to the bridge .
18 If there was any problem with her stamina this was where it would show — but as Steve Cauthen detached Strawberry Road from the pack she kept going strongly .
19 Having passed seven CSE 's at school , she said , " I reckoned that if I had a future then computer studies was where it would be .
20 Her new torch was where it should have been .
21 There came a moment in it 's experience when it realized it was where it should n't be !
22 And I made sure it was where it could n't be missed soon as she brought her cup out to the kitchen .
23 The big question was why it could not have been called something else altogether : Great North Large Tract of Land , for example .
24 But more vexing still was why it should be that particular face , of all those in her memory 's catalogue , she 'd chosen to configure from that of a perfect stranger .
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