Example sentences of "was [adv] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For most of the period from 1912 to 1945 Rhee lived in the United States where he was eventually to build up support from American friends , who assisted in financing his activities .
2 A second operational factor was eventually to prove even more critical for nuclear economics .
3 I 'd quite like a rest now , and I would if there was somewhere to lie down , but I do n't want to get dirty .
4 I hoped there was somewhere to sit down , it was nearly half-past eleven and I was worn out and hot and sticky with all this wandering .
5 But this was all to come later .
6 One said : ‘ It might not be a bad idea if it was all to come out .
7 She hoped then that perhaps it was all to end here — that the act would be something separate .
8 Of course , that does not always happen because the judge is entitled to draw a reasonable inference from the evidence that one party was entirely to blame even though he can not decide on the basis of the evidence exactly how an accident happened .
9 I had read enough to know that the way the Bristol Cancer Help Centre promulgated was a considerable challenge , although how hard a challenge I was only to appreciate later .
10 When , not long before his execution , he passed comment on the mass-murder of the Nazi camps , it was only to point out that there were problems in supply and control during the last days of the Third Reich .
11 The political centre suffered a series of heart attacks from 1905 onwards , of which the body of society as a whole was only to become fully aware after 1928 .
12 She was soon to give up her own acting career — which she never took seriously — to — spoil him ?
13 I never thought I was soon to see just how miserable the peoples of the earth can make life for themselves .
14 I was soon to take up my first teaching post in a Secondary School and he had called to ask if I were able to make use of a potter 's wheel which he could provide for the new Art room .
15 The leader of this band was that dashing Earl of Bothwell who had shown signs of becoming Mary 's latest favourite , and who was soon to show even higher ambitions .
16 Then , with perfect timing , another element entered my life that was soon to prove so important .
17 Once again a single victory had given the English king the illusion of conquest in Scotland , but , like his grandfather Edward I , he was soon to discover how little support there really was in Scotland for his settlement .
18 I was soon to find out .
19 He was soon to find out .
20 Having never seen a swing bridge before I wondered how the boats were going to get under it but I was soon to find out .
21 Charles was soon to find out what Lothar 's words were worth .
22 The infant was at once created Prince of Wales , to indicate that in Jacobite eyes he was the real heir to the throne of England , and the Young Pretender was soon to become universally known as Bonnie Prince Charlie .
23 If this list of opponents to the film makes impressive reading , then it was soon to become even more so .
24 This is a feature of Cubist painting that was soon to become very apparent .
25 It was this implied indictment that was soon to bring so much wrath down on his head .
26 ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ was finally to reach more than twice that length , but even in its early form had clearly developed beyond its original purpose as a magazine ballad .
27 Like a number of other mission or Church papers then and since , Pwani na Bara leavened its religious content with a generous amount of secular news ( its first edition contained articles on the Kaiser 's birthday , the Nyamwezi Chief Mirambo and zeppelins ) but the missionary press was nevertheless to remain very small .
28 He had arrived in the late afternoon of a perfect summer 's day , was shortly to go off to the Alps and then the Himalayas and had not touched rock for a couple of years , so the urge for activity was upon him .
29 His manners to her had always been impeccable , which made what he was shortly to do all the more shocking .
30 I immediately took this to be a delusion — a sign that I was shortly to withdraw forever into a blissful lunatic world of favourite food fantasies .
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