Example sentences of "was [adv] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As he spoke , he looked at Ludovico , who was furiously plucking at the strings of his racket and gazing at the ground .
2 The horrible truth was slowly dawning on me : I 'd been so preoccupied with finding things like Wellington boots and torches , not to mention boning up on my Enid Blyton , that I 'd forgotten to read the small print .
3 But Marie had seen what was wrong : the string of the balloon was slowly slipping through the baby 's fingers .
4 They collapsed on the ground , gasping , black in the face , their hair covered with charred paper that was slowly settling like a shower of tiny , black , bird 's wings .
5 I bypassed the bar , which was slowly filling with shuffling students , and read a Letrasetted sign : Union Print Room — Affiliated to National Graphical Association ( Pending ) .
6 Peppard Golf Club was slowly grinding to a half ( blitzed Londoners were housed in the simple wooden clubhouse ) and two of its trophies were sent to Henley , a more durable looking Club .
7 A TWO-YEAR-OLD boy in Cape Town , who was slowly suffocating to death , yesterday became the world 's first child to have an artificial windpipe implanted , during an operation by a British surgeon .
8 Yet Jaq feared that for all its power the Imperium was slowly succumbing to the attentions of aliens , of renegades , of daemons .
9 The school 's identification of needs was slowly emerging through the environment which prevailed in the educational world during the last half of the 1980s .
10 Mr Tarrant — kindly portrayed in The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans as Mr Stodham — later introduced Edward to Mr Noble ( the father of his future wife ) who was slowly dying of a malignant , tubercular throat disease but was still actively engaged as ‘ Paul Pelican ’ , an influential journalist and critic .
11 The Saturday Benediction was slowly dying of indifference .
12 It was the most inspiring experience of my life and the visit provided food for my hungry spirit which by then was slowly dying from malnutrition .
13 We were all turning gently to port as I cut the corner and was slowly closing on the Hun .
14 It was madness , yes — a crazy , upside-down response to her turbulent emotions earlier , but her logical mind was slowly disintegrating under the wealth of feelings and emotions she 'd tried to keep hidden for so long .
15 I could tell that my questioning was slowly turning off the taps of their charm .
16 Sitting on the veranda herself a short while later as she worked on a lacy white shawl she was secretly knitting for the baby , Belinda murmured aloud , ‘ I hope Tom comes today .
17 Bill , a widower , said he was secretly revelling in his new-found fame .
18 THE lover of Britain 's famous agony aunt , Marje Proops , was secretly cheating on her by living with another woman .
19 Waterman was secretly working with a Midlands band called Abracadabra on a version of the Abba classic Dancing Queen and when the Swedish group 's record company found out they tried to spoil his plans .
20 ’ I was mostly reporting to that woman leader , Sergia ’
21 He was conspicuously trying to be brave , but it was quite clear he had been devastated by the experience .
22 Perhaps what was most lacking in the left 's criticism of A Very British Coup was any general discussion of the distinct importance of television as a medium and , more specifically , the question of what makes it such a potentially politically effective medium .
23 But he was most sparing with the anger on celluloid : would rather fake it than summon it up .
24 He was most understanding about the needs of our party .
25 The following spring the same duo , neither of whom had climbed since the previous autumn , was optimistically toying with the idea of opening the season with Dream of White Horses on Gogarth .
26 But in fact George Brown had a considerable edge over Labour 's later candidate , David Owen , who offended the mandarins of King Charles Street with a quiet deliberation that was wholly lacking in George even in his most sober moments .
27 Not everyone was wholly approving of Wigg 's activities in relation to Profumo — and indeed on many other matters .
28 White Face was presumably trusting to his second compartment , ‘ the part that never hatched ’ , to see him along his course .
29 No — she was presumably seeing to the food and Rupert did n't look the kind of man who would be good at arranging flowers .
30 And it was presumably owing to their encouragement that in the 1540s Crecquillon began to compose chansons and Clemens and Gombert increased their production from a trickle to a flood .
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